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Brian Tells All! Answers to Your Questions About Halloween, Clingy girls, and The 1st Date

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Halloween for college girls seems like an excuse to dress as slutty as possible. How much is too much for a guy? Or is there even such a thing?

For starters, I think we can all agree that a black bra, blank panties, and kitty ears does not make you
Catwoman. But if you are using Halloween or the entire week leading up to Halloween, it’s on a Wednesday this year, as a chance to release some sexual tension then more than a few guys will be happy to see the Catwoman or the cowgirl or the Victoria Secret angel. If you are going to be showing skin, at least get creative. We’ve all seen the sexy cop or nurse but if you are really trying to stand out and catch a guy’s eye, change it up a bit. Instead of a sexy football ref, dress up as a sexy replacement football ref. The guy will appreciate the sports reference and you can still show off that skin. Or better yet, dress up as Java John and just rock some of those crazy sunglasses.

What’s the creepiest thing a girl has done to you?

In high school I was the public address announcer for the men’s and women’s basketball teams. Before the varsity game is the JV game and the visiting team’s JV squad has to stay and watch the game. A girl on the opposing team thought it would be cool to take pictures of me while I was broadcasting, but not like regular creepy pictures from across the gym. I’m talking like she had her friend take pictures of me in the stands right next to me with the other girl in front of her making it look like she was licking my butt. I later found the pictures because she got my name and found me online and sent them. What makes it even creepier is that this was just before Facebook, which means she found me on AIM. Weird. She was cute, though.

What’s the first thing you notice about a girl?

I suppose for every girl it is a little different because location is so key. If I am in the library it’s what she is reading. If I am in the gym it’s her body. If I am at Sidestreet for Happy Hour, I am wondering what a girl is doing at Sidestreet Happy Hour. In most situations a smile is what will make me look twice. No matter what a girl does with makeup or what she is wearing, there is no way to make a smile better. So girls, remember there is nothing better than a good old fashioned smile, and a nice butt (if you are at the gym).

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Callie Barkley is the Campus Correspondent and a contributing writer for Quinnipiac University. At Quinnipiac, which is located in Callie's home state of Connecticut, she studies Public Relations with a minor in Computer Information Systems and will be graduating in 2014. Callie's writing interests are related to healthy eating, working out, and surviving the intern/job world. When Callie is not focused on her work she loves to spend time with her friends and family, travel, and will take up any offer to have a little fun!