Having a low-key weekend with your boyfriend and staying in to watch the game? Or maybe your guy friends are having ever anyone over for beer, wings and football? Read our dos and don’ts to make sure you don’t commit a party foul.
Don’t talk about how hot the players are. Yes, we know that Tom Brady is absolutely gorgeous and Eli Manning’s a total cutie, but that doesn’t mean you have to announce it to everyone. It annoyingly focuses attention away from the game and onto you. Plus would you like the guys talked about how hot the cheerleaders were every commercial break? Didn’t think so.
Do pick a team. Even if you have no interest in the two teams playing, pick a team to root for. Sports are entertaining because they are competitive. Picking a side allows you to become competitive and gives you more of an investment in the game. You can even place bets with your man about who’s going to win. Winner has to cook (or order) dinner.
Don’t say “it’s only a game”. Ever. To you it may just game but that doesn’t mean your guy is thinking the same way. Many people get emotionally invested in their teams and sports, and to just call it “only a game” can not only belittle what your guy finds important but also his emotions. Yeah, it may seem crazy to be yelling at the TV but we’ve all been there whether it was with our favorite sport, movie or TV show.
Don’t ask too many questions. If you ask a question after every play and penalty, you’re going to become annoying real fast. Your questions will distract from the game and may even cause the group to miss some major moments and key plays. If you’re confused, just keep watching. Usually plays and penalties are instant replayed and the announcers to a good job of explaining what’s going on. That being said…
Do ask a few questions. If you’re really confused or the announcers have decided to discuss the new uniforms instead of what just happened, ask away. It will show that you’re paying actually paying attention and taking an interest in the game.
Don’t be afraid to cheer. Yell, jump up and down, do whatever! One of the best parts about sports is you’re able to make a fool of yourself when cheering your team on. Don’t be afraid to let loose and have fun with it. Even if you do go over the top, you’ll have something to laugh about,