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Keith Wood 2015

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Not only does this week’s Campus Cutie have award-winning dance moves and rock at baseball, but he is also a Harry Potter fanatic with years of experience in the kitchen. Yes, ladies, there’s more to sophomore dreamboat Keith Wood than what meets the eye. He volunteers at a local nursing home twice a week, secretly wants to be a baby puppy and plans to cook dinner for his wife three nights a week! Get him while you can.

Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota.
Grade: Sophomore.
Studying: Environmental Policy and Economics.
Where do you live on campus? I live in Sig Ep with the fourth floor crew. There’s always something going on, like late night fight club, bathroom olympics (don’t ask), or we’ll find a random person who we’ve never met sleeping on our couch. We like to keep it weird.
What are you involved in on campus? I’m a WUSA, Sig Ep’s House manager, and an ex JV Baseball benchwarmer.
Any weird habits I should know about? I’m really into vigilante justice.
What’s your motto? Fake it till you make. Literally been doing that my entire life. I have no idea what I’m talking about 90% of the time, especially here at WUSTL in classes.
What’s your favorite dance move? I learned a few when we were practicing for Kappa Karaoke. I’m sure there’s a video out there somewhere so I’ll let you decide which one is your fav.
Do you cook? What’s your specialty? I cook a lot with my Mom actually, probably 2 or 3 nights out of the week when I’m home. My specialty is probably the pecan pie I make every Thanksgiving.
Favorite foreign food? I spent two weeks in Iceland and they have really great seafood.
Favorite foreign women? Australians for sure. I saw Nervo play a show last year and fell in love with their style. It’s definitely going to influence my decision if I decide to study abroad.
Celebrity boy crush? Upper West, but not the goofy looking guy with the 5 o’clock shadow. The other one who sings the dreamy hooks and plays the keyboard.
Celebrity girl crush? That one mean cheerleader in that Disney channel movie is kinda cute.
Tell me about your first kiss: There was an exchange student from Poland at our high school who really freaked me out when I was a freshman. One night at a pool party she cornered me and forced herself on me… It was a great start to our relationship but she smelled like salad so I quit it.
Would you consider yourself “flirty?” Yeah, but a different type of flirty than the norm – I play the mysterious card. I’ve been told I’m an enigma.
What are you being for Halloween this year? A turtle. I like turtles. They can go home whenever they want by sticking their heads inside themselves. That would be nice.
What are you most afraid of? I’m deathly afraid of roller coasters… I think it’s the sense of no control that gets me. I like being in control.
Do you have a kryptonite? Well I’m allergic to bivalves. So mussels and clams can really kill the mood when I eat them. Needless to say I had a few rough nights in Iceland.
What do you listen to when you work out? Anything upbeat, but it’s usual a mix of Norwegian speed-metal and house music.
What’d you want to be growing up? I wanted to be a fire truck just to prove to people that I could.
Read any good books recently? I’m cruising through the Game of Thrones series right now. Everyone Poops is another good title that I would recommend.
Where can I find you at 2pm on a Saturday? Playing FIFA in my room with no sound or lights on because my roommate doesn’t wake up until 4 on the weekends.
Describe yourself in one word: Minnesota-Nice.


Rosa Heyman is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis studying Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Writing. She has worked as an editorial intern at Black Book Magazine in NYC and St. Louis Magazine, and for the web editor at Redbook Magazine in NYC. A Rhode Island native, Rosa likes reading, writing, Kate Moss, The New York Times' Modern Love columns, Paolo Pellegrin photography, and roller coasters.