Rashana Trim is a true Whartonite, taking the Penn campus by storm. When she’s not meeting with her ZTA sisters or fulfilling her responsibilities as the current President of Dzine2Show, Rashana can be found applying her Wharton smarts as a Microsoft Brand Ambassador on Penn’s campus. Even with all of these commitments, Rashana ensures us she still has time to sit in front of the TV and enjoy some much deserved relaxation. It is this vivaciousness for her work that makes Rashana the ideal Campus Celebrity.
Name: Rashana Trim
Year: 2013
School: Wharton
Concentration: Marketing
As President of Dzine2Show, what are your responsibilities?
I mostly make sure the club functions smoothly and that everyone is working together. I want to make sure our club is evolving and growing.
How long have you been President of D2S? How were chosen to be President?
This is actually my first year as President. We do elections within our boards; I’m in the Executive Board and the previous President chose me to take over.
What is your favorite D2S event up to date?
I love our Spring Fashion Show. It is the biggest of the two fashion shows we have during the year. I love it because it’s chock full of student designs, and it’s cool to see what students come up with and what they create. I also like our smaller events that we have throughout the year. It gives me a chance to meet our general student body members. We just had an event, “Cupcakes & Champagne,” a couple of weeks ago, and I thought it went great.
What can we expect to see from the group this year?
Hopefully a lot! We are working on the Fall Fashion Show, and though it’s usually a smaller event, we’re trying to see how we can make it bigger this year. For our members, we are working on trips to New York to take a tour of some companies, but we are also trying to bring some companies here. Currently we’re trying to get Warby Parker to come to Penn, since they’re doing a bus tour to different college campuses; we want to set up a contest to have lunch with the founder.
What other things are you involved with here on campus?
D2S is definitely my biggest commitment, but I am also a sister in the ZTA sorority. Last year I was a brand ambassador for Ann Taylor, and this year I am a brand ambassador for Microsoft, which is kind of a new role for me; I’m not a big tech person, but I’m learning.
What are your three fall fashion staples for 2012?
A good pair of boots, a chunky sweater and a scarf.
Finish these sentences:
I can usually be found…in my room, watching TV.
My favorite time of the year is…fall right after summer.
If I could eat just one thing for the rest of my life it’d be…curry chicken.
Penn girls are…exciting.
Penn guys are…less exciting.
Any last words to the ladies at Penn?
Leggings are NOT pants.