OK, so as much as we all like to avoid politics, it is important that we get informed. We are constantly bombarded with political rhetoric from our friends and family through conversation and especially social media. It is safe to say that it gets exhausting.
How do we have our own opinions when everyone is trying to form them for us? How do we know what is fact and what is not? When did everyone become experts in politics? The list of questions goes on, but the fact of the matter is that we can only form accurate opinions by educating ourselves.
So, where do we start? To begin we can go to websites of candidates to see their platforms. You can use these to get an idea of what the candidates are about. You can check out Barack Obama or Mitt Romney by clicking on their names.
It is important to keep in mind that there will always be bias whether it is intended or not. One way to avoid this it to use multiple or nonpartisan resources. Here at Her Campus UNL we have found Politifact to be particularly helpful in distinguishing truth from myth. You can also keep yourself up to date on the most current happenings by simply reading the newspaper and watching the news.
With the upcoming Presidential election we encourage all you Collegiettes™ to get active and vote! Voting is one of the easiest and best ways we can make a difference in our community, state and country. For more information on voter registration, go to USA.gov and be sure to check your local state requirements and/or absentee ballets for those that are from out of state.
Important Upcoming Dates:
October 11, 2012 – Vice Presidential
October 16, 2012 – Presidential
October 22, 2012 – Presidential
Tuesday, November 6, 2012 – Election Day!