So fall semester has begun, and you’ve been a bustling busy bee getting immersed in college. School work, co-curricular activities, and friends take up most of your time (don’t forget to add sleep in there somewhere).
But what about when you finally get a little down time to yourself? You sit down with a nice cup of hot tea and a glazed donut only to realize, the walls in your room are so bare, it’s a little spooky.
I think decorating your apartment or dorm is very important toward really making your space, your home. Your space needs a bit of your personality in it. I know I couldn’t feel nearly as comfortable in my apartment without my miscellaneous hand-made posters from friends, or my glow-in-the-dark stars on the walls/ceilings.
Remember that decorating your space, doesn’t always mean having to whip out your wallet.
Get creative!
Use what you already have available. Cut out some cute designs, tape up some loose pieces of ribbon or string in a cool way, or ask some artistic friends to draw something for you. Anything will help to make your space more comfortable.
Choose your design based off your favorite items
What’s your favorite animal? Maybe it’s penguins, horses, hamsters, dogs; whatever the case, see if you can include that in your decorating bonanza.
Or, if you’re not a total animal lover, choose a few favorite colors and have those colors as your decoration theme. For my theme I chose three colors: blue, black and white. It really helps to have things matching and based off some sort of overall theme.
STOP!…Pinterest time!
If you feel like you need ideas to get things started, well that’s what the internet is for! There are plenty of awesome and cute ideas available to help you embellish your place. Pinterest has great ideas for decorating and will help you get creative.
Decorating not only helps you feel more at home, but also is just fun to do. It’s a great way to release some tension and stress. You’ll feel re-invigorated and ready to tackle more serious things at hand like school work.
Happy decorating!