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What Happened Last Night?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Do you ever find yourself wondering ‘What happened last night?‘ Well, don’t worry! Our advice columnists BK and JT are here to help!

“For the past three weekends, I’ve hooked up with a really cute junior on the baseball team. We don’t really cross paths during the school week, but every time we see each other at a party we are instantly attracted to each other. Here’s the problem: he still hasn’t asked for my number! I’ve slept at his house twice and he seems to be really into me, but what’s the deal? Should I be the one to make the move, or should I give up and forget about him?”

We have no doubt that this guy is interested, but maybe you should evaluate his intentions. From what you’ve told us, it’s clear that he isn’t looking for anything more than a few spontaneous hookups. If you’re into that, than go for it, but if you’re looking for something more steady or find yourself getting too attached, we suggest you find someone who at least has the decency to ask for your digits. And something tells us this dude is only looking for a grand slam. – BK and JT

“I’m a freshman, and during orientation week, this really hot sophomore in Zeta offered to give me a house tour, if you know what I mean. I thought we really hit it off, he told me I was pretty five or six times. When I saw him at Dewick the next day sitting at a table with his friends, I went up to say hi and he practically ignored me. I texted him a few times later that day asking what his deal was, and he never responded. Should I reach out to his friends? I can’t stop thinking about him!”

First of all, transfer. Just kidding, but after that display, we’re more than a little concerned, so please put the phone away. Second of all, it’s a called a one night stand. Welcome to college. – BK and JT
Ps. In the future, always wait for the guy to text you first. If he wants to get in contact with you, he’ll find a way.

“I’ve had a crush on this guy for a while and this weekend we finally hooked up. When he asked me if I wanted to go back to his frat house, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Let’s just say things got a little heated, and even though I had my period, I didn’t exactly say no to anything. When I woke up the next morning, I saw blood stains all over his sheets, and on the floor. I freaked and snuck out before he woke up. Now, I’m terrified of running into him, which I know I will! Did I totally ruin things?”

Wow, that sounds like a spotty situation. The best thing to do when you see him is to act like nothing happened. Don’t bring it up, that’ll make things worse. But honey, there’s one week a month when you can’t have sex, it’s not that hard. Speaking of hard, your crush probably appreciated your willingness to please. As you may know, guys will do anything for sex. I’m sure he’d be down for an extra trip to the Laundromat if it means getting you back in those sheets.- BK and JT

Photos courtesy of:
http://www.datingsecretsformen.com/; http://www.divawithadime.com/; ht…

Christie is a rising sophomore at Tufts. She absolutely adores coffee in any form,  believes that any dessert can be made better with nutella and any meal better with hot sauce.  In her spare time, she dabbles in graphic design, playing guitar, and photography. She also adores makeup and beauty and believes it's more of an art form than people give it credit for. Music is definitely a huge part of her life: she always has her iPod on and frequently goes to concerts.