Welcome back to school, Tulane! I hope everyone’s enjoying their classes, keeping up with their work, and spending time with their friends.
Even with a little setback known as Hurricane Isaac, we are finally getting back into our usual routines. I know we all want to have a great semester, so I put together a list of a few things that will ensure that we’ll make the most of it.
1) Stay organized: it’s amazing how far a clean room and organized computer or notebook will go. It keeps you feeling productive and on top of things, and you’ll be thankful come finals time that you won’t have to stress about where all your old notes and papers are.
2) Take advantage of fall parties: the fall semester social scene is different than the spring one because of all the open parties. This is your chance to meet new people and expand your social circle – in addition to all the people you’re meeting in your classes, of course.
3) Go to Reily: it’s crazy to me how many people don’t take advantage of Reily. They have a ton of machines, two pools (the social pool is one of the greatest things at Tulane), and lots of classes to keep both your mind and body in shape.
4) Get dressed up for class: I don’t mean a dress, heels, and pearls, but a little makeup and a cute outfit every day will go a long way. You’ll feel confident about yourself, and a lot less lazy than if you just rolled out of bed and went to class.
5) Get involved: early in the fall semester is the perfect time to join Tulane’s 300+ organizations. You can meet plenty of new people who are interested in the same things you are, and a lot of the time, they’re really fun! And on that note…
And of course, apply to write for HerCampus! E-mail Briah at bfische@tulane.edu