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Your summer playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Finals are over, school came to a close, and now all you need to kick start your summer is a rockin’ playlist! Here are HerCampus ISU’s top, crowd-pleasing songs for you to jam to this summer. Feel free to check out the songs’ YouTube links or download them on iTunes!
Too Close – Alex Clare
If you’ve been watching TV lately and seen the most recent Bing commercial, then you are probably just as obsessed with this song as I am. This song has elements of Clare’s uniquely raspy voice paired with a danceable background beat. I love the mix of Clare’s acoustic singing with the electronic music. Also, play this song and tell me you don’t feel incredibly badass. Am I right?

Barefoot Blue Jean Night – Jake Owen
I actually can’t think of a song that reminds me of summer more than this one. The lyrics play out a perfect, summer night that includes drinking, boating and bonfires. If this song doesn’t make you want to want to be sitting next to a fire, surrounded by your friends, with a cold, Bud Light in your hand then I don’t know what will.

Rain Shine – The Good Husbands

These boys made their first HerCampus appearance in my “Little Known Bands” article a few months back and their newly released jam, “Rain Shine” will definitely be blasting from my car this summer. Their rhymes are phenomenal and the chorus is addicting. Their whole mixtape is worth check out and are all great, chill songs to listen to this summer.

Frick Park Market – Mac Miller

Mac’s latest CD, Blue Slide Park, came out a few months ago and this is one of my favorite songs off the album. It’s got everything from the fun, Mac Miller rhymes to an instantly catchy chorus. Feel free to do what I did and give yourself a rapper name, spend 2 hours trying to memorize all the lyrics, and perform it to impress all your friends. Or don’t, it’s up to you.

Ayy Ladies – Travis Porter ft. Tyga

We all need a classic, booty-bumping jam and right now this is mine. It immediately makes me want to hit the dance floor and I have faith that it can bring out the rump shaker in anyone. So play this song this summer and give my theory a try.

Call Me Maybe – Timeflies Remix

Timeflies has made yet another hit and thankfully, it came out right as summer has begun. We’re all pretty sick of Carly Rae Jepsens YouTube hit “Call Me Maybe” but the Timeflies boys but a great spin on it. Between the great background beat and Cal’s raps, it will for sure be playing on repeat on your iPod.

All Around the World – Theophilus London

I am a huge fan of Theophilus and I love this song of his. It has an upbeat, unique tempo that makes you wanna throw your hands in the air. If you like this song, be sure to go to YouTube and check out even more of his soon-to-be hits.

Breaking A Sweat – Skrillex

Not a fan of dubstep? Neither was I until I heard this song. It’s perfect to put on at a party or to turn on while driving to the beach. Listen to it and you may even find an “inner womp-er” inside of you like I did.

Let It Rain – David Nail

Put this song on and cue the cliché, car ride belting. David Nails voice is fantastic and great to sing along with. Whether you’re in need of a good cry after a summer love went bad or just want to put on a fantastic car ride concert for yourself, this song is the perfect choice.

Hot in Here – Nelly

No explanation necessary.

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Megan Lawler

Illinois State

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Megan Maginity

Illinois State

Megan is a sophomore Journalism major at Illinois State University, with a minor in Creative Writing. She balances her time between class, her sorority- Gamma Phi Beta, and writing for the college newspaper- The Daily Vidette. When she’s not busy, Meg likes to shop for the best sales, rollerblade, hang out with friends or watch reruns of Sex and The City. Becoming a campus correspondent/editor-in-chief was a great accomplishment for her because she is an aspiring writer, hoping to take on the world of mass media after graduation in 2013.