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Easy GE’s to Get an A

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Registration is happening just around the corner! Right now you’re probably thinking about registering for summer classes and will soon be registering for Fall Quarter. Are you stressed out about what classes to take? Are you on Academic Probation?

Have no fear! The art of completing your GEs and getting off Academic Probation is simple – take easy, but fun classes.

According to my research and from personal experiences, these are some fun and exciting classes to take at UC Davis. Best of all, a few of them are triple dips, so you’ll be able completing three of the topical breaths that you need in order to graduate.

Anthropology 2 (ANT2) – Cultural Anthropology (4 units)
Learn about anthropological methods, kinships, gender, and politics in different societies all over the world. This class is a triple dip, because it fulfills Social-Science, Diversity, and Writing GEs. Midterms are all multiple-choice and there is one term paper. The downside to this is that you will have a discussion class.

Asian American Studies 1 (ASA1) – Historical Experiences of Asian Americans (4 units)
Triple-Dip Class! It fulfills Social-Science, Diversity, and Writing GEs. Grading are based on the multiple-choice midterm and final, along with one term paper. You will have a discussion class too. ASA1 teaches you about the lives of Asian Americans in the United states from the time period of the 1840s to the present.

Comparative Literature 25 (COM 25) – Ethnic Minority Writers in World Literature
Read short stories from different ethnic writers all over the world and learn about the challenges they face for being an ethnic minority. This is a lecture and in-class discussion type of class. It fulfills the GEs for Arts and Humanities, Diversity, and Writing.

Environmental Toxicology 10 (ETX10) – Introduction to Environmental Toxicology (3 units)
The class is structured with multiple choice midterms and a final. You’ll learn about hazardous plants, the effects they have on humans, and how they affect the environment. This fulfills the Science and Engineering GE.

Food Science and Technology 10 (FST 10) – Food Science, Folklore and Health (3 units)
This class is taught by two Professors and it fulfills the Science Engineering or Social Science GE. What’s even better is you don’t even need to buy the book in order to pass the class! The midterms are all multiple-choice and there’s no written final. FST10 is about food preservatives, food safety, organic food, and nutritional enhancement.

Human Development 12 (HDE12) – Human Sexuality (3 units)
This class fulfills the Diversity GE. HDE12 is about sexual responses, and everything else that relates to human sexuality like sexual orientations, contraceptives, and disease. Beware that the Professor may show a film of a woman giving birth!

Nutrition 10 (NUT 10) – Discoveries and Concepts in Nutrition (3 units)
This class fulfills your Science and Engineering GE and is taught by Professor Applegate. She gives tons of extra credit and free food during lecture and review sessions. She is easy to talk to and best of all, this class teaches you about the nutrients and food and how that can help increase or decrease your risk of certain cancers. Beware that you will have to purchase her book which costs about $80.00 


Jessica is currently studying Graphic Design and Psychology at UC Davis. She hopes to one day move to New York and work for a fashion or fitness magazine. When she is not dreaming about her life in New York, she is either running, watching shows on hulu, socializing or baking cupcakes. She loves anything that will make her laugh, sunny days  and everything purple!