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Confessions of a Jean-aholic: Hell Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Hell week : A term we used to say in my old high school the week before one of our drama productions was about to premiere. Actors and scene directors would stay late after the final bell rang to run lines, practice curtain calls , and make sure everything would be perfect for opening night. Hell week now holds a new definition for me. This past week in Riverside was disgusting! I’m a Bay Area girl. I like the ocean air blowing through my hair and weather that never goes higher than 70 degrees. Thank Jesus I didn’t decide to do a scarf a day challenge because let me tell you, I am sweating like one of those teen moms in church. Okay that’s a bit dramatic, but it’s just really hot okay?! To prove that I am actually going through with this challenge I am taking a picture of my outfit for every day of the week and summarizing my day, while desperately trying to only include relevant information. If I don’t include a weekend picture it’s most likely because I spent the whole day in boxers, and nobody wants to see that.

Monday: 8 am classes and shorts are not a good combination but…I wasn’t going to fail on day one. Thankfully it eventually warmed up. Now that I was consciously choosing to not wear jeans I noticed just how many people do wear them. 20 out of 25 people in one of my classes had on some type of jeans….interesting. Good thing I’m doing this challenge here at school with this warm weather though, because back home I would look like a total fool right about now.

Tuesday: With the weather still being nice, wearing no pants doesn’t seem like it will be too hard. While getting ready I realized I used up a lot of bottle of lotions( mental note to buy myself to buy a new bottle). Maybe attending office hours in tiny jean shorts wasn’t the best idea but a girl’s got to get her errands done! Struggled for 30 minutes thinking about how I am going to document my daily outfit. Hopefully I can figure something out soon.

Wednesday: This heat is making me regret coming down south for school, and running around campus doing errands does not help with me trying to stay cool.(Why do I keep rhyming all throughout this article? Total coincidence.) Taking these daily photos are starting to be a pain in the butt, especially when the dogs keep photo bombing. When doing a midnight slurpee run in booty shorts my roommate asked a good question, am I allowed to wear pajama pants? Still trying to figure this one out.

Today is just that kind of of day when you know nothing is going to go your way. Who wears short shorts? Me. To ALL my meetings with various faculty members. Herp derp, my name is Rubi and I just showed more leg to my advisors than Angelina Jolie at this year’s Oscars. Oh, and did I mention a mutant lizard tried to eat me while taking my picture for the day!!?? I took a picture of it to show you just how terrifying it was.
Thursday Night: It’s after 11 and I’m biking home from a fundraiser in shorts scandalous enough to be part of Gaga’s wardrobe….#StartingtoRegretSomeThings

Friday: Those days where every possible awkward thing could happen. Yeah, that was my Friday. Getting dressed was a pain. All I wanted was to put on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. Shaving my legs regularly is starting to get annoying(So much for enjoying being single). Made a complete fool of myself multiple times on campus. What can I say, I’m a goofey goober.(Please tell me someone gets that reference!) Next week I’m aiming to only wear dresses. Let’s see how that goes.

Saturday: Dragged my tired self out of bed at 6 AM, slipped on some shorts and almost froze to death biking to school. Spent the day giving campus tours and holding workshops for local children. I live such an exciting life, don’t I?

Sunday: Up early again! Why can’t I sleep in for once? Thrifting and lots of eating. Wore my black jean shorts today which was a bad idea. They aren’t stretchable at all and I can’t seem to stop eating. No picture for today because I didn’t make it home before the sun went down, oops!

Overall, week one was easy enough. But I’m starting to feel like everyday is just a reinterpretation of the previous day’s outfit. So this week I’m striving to only wear dresses. Besides, I needed an excuse to buy my new oxfords.

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Rubi Mancilla

UC Riverside

Rubi Mancilla is a fourth year studying Psychology and Women's Studies at UC Riverside. She decided to double major because at the time it seemed like she was getting two degrees for the price of one, the ultimate sale! She writes about relationships, how to spend a Friday night at home, being a confused twenty-something and never having enough money in her bank account. Her column 'Midweek Study Break' is published every Wednesday but you can read more of her work in her new project, When Life Gives You Rubi. Until Disney decides to make a movie about how hard it is to be a recent (single) college graduate, we can try to figure out this whole being a grown up thing together.   
Monica Pena is a sophmore at the University of California Riverside and is originally from the valley of San Fernando in the city of Los Angeles. Monica and her room mate Nicole Danille Matinez both enjoy writing and are now Co founders of the UC Riverside Her Campus Branch. Monica dreams of moving to New York and going to Law School. Aside from Law school, she is a fanatic of fashion and writing and also wants to pursue a career in journalism.