Year: 2014
Major: Woodrow Wilson School
Hometown: Callaway, Virginia
Sign: Scorpio
Favorite color: Red
Favorite movie: in terms of number of times watched.. Step-up 1,2 and 3. i wish i were kidding.
How it feels to be nominated: Haha, I’m honored. Thanks to whoever nominated me!
Activities/extracurriculars: Forbes College Council, Engineers Without Borders, student admin at the Pace Center, Sympoh, looking forward to being an RCA in good ol’ Forbez next year :] also food, traveling,
recklessly consuming vast quantities of coffee, indulging in M*A*S*H reruns, training to be an EMTÂ
Single or taken: Single
If you could bring 3 things with you to a desert island, what would they be? a hammock, a ukelele, and a fishing spear