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Spring Cleaning: Organize in Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

If you’re like me, then this may be an all-too-familiar scene:  On your dresser sits a jewelry box overflowing with your chunky rings, oversized bangles and easily tangled necklaces.  Scattered across any and every spare surface in your room are endless bottles of nail polish.  And it doesn’t stop there.  Clothes are even strewn on top of your bed alongside overwhelming stacks of books and magazines.  Yikes! 
As collegiettes, one thing that we don’t have enough of is time.  With a million things to check off our never-ending to-do lists, cleaning our rooms quickly becomes second (or fifth…or twelfth) priority.  As the semester comes to an end, however, there just may be a light at the end of the tunnel!
Organizing your room doesn’t have to be boring; in fact, it can actually be fun.  Instead of hiding all of your jewelry and handbags, put them on display.  Looking for some chic ways to de-clutter your room?  Here are a few ideas that even the most organizationally challenged collegiette can manage!
Bracelets and Rings

Bangles, cuffs, and cocktail rings, oh my!  If you’re an accessory queen and regularly invest in new statement pieces, then you’re probably running out of places to store them all.  For a stylish and practical way to organize your jewelry, Martha Stewart suggests using cute teacups and saucers. 

 The great part is that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to set this up.  Check out local thrift stores and antique malls for unusual ceramic and glass dishes in a hodgepodge of colors and designs.  For all of you ring connoisseurs, consider investing in an astrological jewelry stand like this one from Urban Outfitters, which will allow you to showcase your faves.  If your jewelry display overflows onto your dresser, stash away the things you only wear occasionally.  

Putting your jewelry on display ultimately gives you an “easy-to-scan bird’s-eye view” of all your precious baubles! 
Out of all the jewelry that you own, your necklaces are probably the most complicated pieces to store.  From personal experience, long statement necklaces are the worst!  I can’t count the number of times that I’ve given up on a particular necklace simply because it was too knotted up to wear.  If you’re tired of hanging all of your necklaces on boring hooks and knobs, and jewelry trees aren’t cutting it, try displaying them on your wall! 
In the photo above, Lucky magazine shows you how to “compose a dreamy, romantic vanity” worthy of any collegiette’s bedroom.  To achieve this organization technique, simply dangle your necklaces from ornate hooks or clear pushpins.  Make sure to stagger where you hang them to create an attractive arrangement!  
After all, what could be more whimsical and cute than big-beaded necklaces, strands of pearls and funky statement pieces doubling as decorations? 


So many earrings, not so many places to store them!  Because earrings are relatively small, they’re super easy to misplace.  To prevent any future jewelry disasters from happening, it’s important to keep everything in one place!
While you may not believe me (at least not at first!), cheese graters are the ultimate display rack for earrings.  With a little bit of creativity and a touch of paint, you can turn an ordinary cheese grater into a unique conversation piece.         
Another project you can consider is from Etsy.  It involves an old vintage mirror frame (a picture frame will suffice), lace ribbon and paint.  By stretching the lace across the frame, you will be able to hang (and display) many of your favorite earrings.

Finally, for an easy, no-nonsense way to organize your earrings, invest in a paint palette!  Local craft stores such as Michaels sell a variety of affordable palettes and trays to set on your dresser.        

Handbags and Clutches

For the longest time, I’ve always wondered what to do with all of my handbags.   Do I simply hang them on chairs, store them away in my closet or leave them in the dust bags that they came in?  Just when I was about to give up, I stumbled across the best advice I’ve received to date (via Lucky magazine):  “Shelve your clutches, hang the rest.”  Genius! 

While this project takes a little bit of work (first, you have to find a bookcase and then add hooks and shelves as needed), the end result is completely worth it!  To keep your clutches in place, Lucky suggests filing them like books. 

For best results, also consider using sweater dividers to “protect bags made of delicate materials like satin (which can snag) and patent (which can dent and discolor).”

FYI:  By hanging your bags, you can actually help prevent them from sagging and losing their shape! 
Nail Polish and Cosmetics

Calling all nail polish aficionadas!  It’s possible to invest in more lacquer without having to throw any out!  Simply take an old spice rack, paint it in a vibrant hue and voilà!  You now have a totally chic shelf to organize and display your gazillion bottles of nail polish.  Arranging them by color or brand will make it so much easier to keep track of what you have.  

For the rest of your cosmetics, some drawers with compartments or dividers will keep everything straight. If you’re looking for a way to store your makeup brushes (and you happen to be a coffee lover), take a plastic or glass container and fill it with coffee beans. 
Insert your makeup brushes brush side up, and you have an instant brush holder!


Whether you have an entire drawer devoted to cosmetics or have them neatly tucked away in bags and beauty cases, anything is better than having a jumbled mess! 
Your Study Space

As a bonus idea, don’t forget to organize your workspace!  Even if the rest of your room is neatly arranged, a messy desk will completely throw off your feng shui.   


Instead of filing away all of your paperwork in a messy folder, attach the most important notes/documents/memos to clipboards.  Paint the clipboards, decorate them as desired (i.e. with stripes, polka dots, glitter, the works!) and hang them on the wall.  This little project really makes all the difference in staying organized!

Although they’re normally found in a kitchen cabinet, spinning spice racks are actually ideal for your workspace.  Think about it: twelve or so perfectly sized containers to stuff with all of your essential office supplies.  Thumbtacks, rubber bands, paper clips and any other odds and ends can be easily organized and accessible.  Since the glass containers are see-through, they quickly become visually pleasing when filled with colorful knick-knacks.

An organized room is a happy room.  You don’t have to be an interior designer to create an attractive living space.  Remember—be creative, have fun and practice organized chaos! 

Anjerika Wilmer is a senior at James Madison University, pursuing a degree in Art History and Media Arts & Design with a concentration in Journalism. In addition to being a Branch Manager for Her Campus, Anjerika is a contributing writer for Her Campus JMU. Over the summer, she spent five weeks abroad in Vienna, Austria in search of “the Good.” After her inspirational trip to Vienna, Anjerika hopes to see more of the world, specifically Paris and London. Obsessed with all things girly and feminine, nothing makes her happier than classic cardigans, pleated skirts and oxford shoes! A full-fledged fashionista, Anjerika dedicates her spare time to reading fashion magazines, studying runway, blogging and swooning over Olivia Palermo’s impeccable style. As for the future, she plans to attend graduate school and pursue a career in fashion journalism. Moleskine journal in hand, Anjerika is ready to take the fashion world by storm!