Hoping to add a little male perspective to Her Campus Ohio State, we would like to feature articles that give some insight from both male and female students on a particular trend or style that seems to be popular with the ladies. Admit it, girls—we all love to get a little peek inside the minds of guys!
This week’s focus—
Hair: Wavy/Curly vs. Straight
What some women have to say:
“I think it depends on the girl.  Some girls look way better with straightened hair.  It depends on the situation and face shape, too.” – Rachel J.
“Obviously because I have wavy hair, I like straight hair.  I just feel that straight hair is more manageable.” – Stephanie L.
And men:
“I don’t really care about their hair that much.  It’s about who they are not what they wear.” – Bryan L.
“I like wavy hair.  Straight is boring.” – John R.
“Whatever Emma Watson is doing.  She’s doing it right.” – Adam S.
My opinion:
I remember way back in middle school when girls did nothing but straighten their hair.  Now, they’re starting to be more accepting of other hair textures/styles.  I have wavy hair and, personally, have really grown to like it.  I definitely straighten it on occasion, though, but it mostly depends on how well my hair is cooperating that day!  I think wavy, curly, and straight are all equally fine, but it’s much more interesting for any texture when you try different styles with it!
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