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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Name: Victoria Charles
Year: Freshman
Major: Chemistry
Hometown: Stone Mountain
Relationship Status: Guys you are so lucky because she’s single!!!!
Dream Job: Forensic Scientist
Hobbies: Reading, Partying, Watching CSI, Professional Post It Note Maker
Interesting Fact: She’s a first generation American. She is a descendant from Trinidad.
Fun Fact: She only has one mole on her body and that is on her cheek. (meaning her face of course)

Sophia Fredericksen is a junior at University of Georgia studying magazine journalism. She has written for a wide variety of publications including Her Campus Ohio University, College Fashion, Thread Magazine, and JAYE magazine. Now she is the Editor of Her Campus UGA. In her free time she enjoys reading fashion magazines, playing dress up, taking pictures and trying new food. She hopes to one day write for a fashion magazine in either New York or LA.