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Try “Nia,” a New Fitness Routine, for Free!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.


With summer creeping up around the corner, what better way to de-stress and beautify than with a great new workout?
This Friday, March 16th, head to the Student Rec Center on East Campus from 5-6 P.M. to experience “Nia The Technique” for free!
Nia blends dance, yoga, martial arts, and moves similar to Zumba to create a very relaxing and simple workout set. It is typically done barefoot, and is for all ages, not being centered on making you physically exhausted. Instead, the goal is to open up your mind, and allow yourself to be transported into healing and fitness while enjoying yourself.
Again, all UIC students can try this workout for free on Friday! So be sure to stop by if you’re interested!