Name:Â Danny Yodzis
Year: Freshman
Major:Â Health Sciences
Hometown:Â Toledo, OH
Relationship Status: Single
HC: What is the biggest turn on/off in a girl?
DY: I would say the biggest turn off would be when girls talk about needing to lose weight, especially if they don’t.  Confidence is key.  The biggest turn on, in my opinion, is when a girl can just have fun without always stressing or worrying about something; a girl who is not always being dramatic.
HC: Where do you picture yourself in 15 years?
DY: In 15 years, I think I will be married with kids. Â I will probably be a high school teacher and football coach.
HC: What do you look for in your ideal girl?
DY: I like if a girl is charismatic—I don’t always have to be super serious around her and we can have fun.  She isn’t always getting jealous.  I like if she doesn’t always have to be dressed up and can be comfortable around me in sweats.  Extra points if she enjoys watching sports.
HC: Who is your celebrity crush?
DY: Just one?  I’d say my number one is Mila Kunis.  She’s pretty much perfect.  What guy doesn’t have a crush on her?
HC: What are your favorite pro sports teams?
DY: The Cleveland Browns, the Cleveland Cavs, and the Cleveland Indians—clearly I am not a fan of good teams.  And the Detroit Red Wings—I had to branch out and like a good team.
HC: Outside of school, how do you spend your time?
DY: Working out, going out with friends and playing basketball and football.
HC: What is your favorite part about being a Buckeye?
DY: I always saw myself going here and it is more or less a dream come true, as clichéd as that is.
HC: How would you describe yourself in three words?
DY: I would say outgoing, fun and hardworking.