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The XY Files – Winter Wardrobe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

I am by no means a fashion expert, but living on a college campus shows me a thing or two about how girls decide to dress. Here in Syracuse, the weather is more than unpredictable. Unfortunately, the dress code isn’t.
Most girls tend to wear the same things: skinny jeans, Ugg boots, Northface jackets, and spandex. Don’t get me wrong, these are all nice additions to the college wardrobe…except in the winter. Ugg boots are not designed to last through ice, salt, and heavy snow. They absorb the water and scream out in pain at the sight of road salt. While Northface jackets are fashionable and expensive, they just aren’t warm enough in -20 degree weather. As for Spandex, most of them are see-through and clearly not meant for a winter wonderland (Don’t believe me? Take a closer look).

So why do we college girls feel the urge to meet societal fashion rules, even if it means freezing? Do we want to impress boys and feel attractive? Maybe so, but I can tell you right now that guys could care less.
“If a girl chooses to dress poorly in the wintertime and freezes because of it, it’s not my problem. I don’t really care.” Guys have other things to think about besides your choice of coat or boots. With the amount of walking we do on a daily basis, it is up to us to dress accordingly. We have to look out for ourselves and not worry so much about what a guy may think. Besides, there are still fashionable winter outfits that can be worn underneath a nice heavy coat.
“Guys won’t judge you for dressing warm in the winter. You shouldn’t feel any less attractive.”
Winter is a time to be prepared and to be smart. Don’t let others influence you in your choices about clothing, especially guys.

Stay warm,
Double X 

Ivanna Abreu is a junior Communications major at Le Moyne College with a concentration in Advertising and minors in English and Creative Writing. She was born in the Dominican Republic, but was raised in the Bronx, NY. One of her greatest passions in life is the art of communication and how people relate and communicate with each other. Living in New York City only fostered this passion because her whole life she has been surrounded by different cultures and people. Ivanna enjoys writing and reading, specifically about human interest stories. She prides herself in having a great work ethic and unlike some she enjoys constantly being on the move and being busy. In her hands you will always find either her iPhone or coffee (or on a good day both). She also loves all things comedy and is always trying to make someone laugh.