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11 Twitter Accounts You Should Be Following

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

HCIU shared our favorite celebrities to follow on Twitter (http://www.hercampus.com/school/iu/top-10-celebrities-follow-twitter), but here is a list of some favorite non-celebrity pages to follow. Some will make you laugh, some will make you smile and others will make you wonder why you still eat certain foods; Don’t say that you haven’t been warned! Go ahead, check them out and show them some love!
1. @VodkaVendettas

It’d be a lie to say that I wasn’t currently overly and obnoxiously obsessed with #VV. These two college girls are just like you and your best friend, except that they share everything you two are thinking and are too nervous to tweet. They put their initials at the end of each tweet so you know who tweeted it, but it’s irrelevant in the end because they’ll both make you think of your friends and have you laughing uncontrollable.
Recent favorites: “I wonder when Channing Tatum’s wife will realize her marriage is void because he’s already married to me”
“And on the seventh day, God created yoga pants. #vv #kj”
2. @whitegrlproblem

            This feisty female, AKA Babe Walker, is full of spunk and attitude. She tweets about well, sarcastic responses to every problem girls have. Her recent tweets have been about the success of her book, but everyone’s allowed to bragging rights when they write a book! She’s like another favorite of mine, @sorrynotsorryy and @princessprobz, but with a little less sass and a little more class
a little.

Recent favorite: “Judging me will only make you fat. #whitegirlproblems”
3. @EatThisNotThat

            They call themselves the “no-diet weight loss solution,” and that’s a hard fact to argue! Eat This Not That is full of info about what foods are “condiment crimes” and “trans-fat attacks.” They reveal the truth, which is usually quite disappointing and depressing, about your favorite foods, but they compare it to a healthier version of the exact same thing!
Recent Favorite:  “100-Calorie Snack Packs may make you eat more, since you perceive them as healthy! Better low-cal snacks:” http://eatthis.menshealth.com/content/15-best-and-worst-snacks-100-calories-or-less?cm_mmc=Twitter-_-ETNT-_-Content-ETNT-_100-calories
4. @90sgirlproblem

            The perfect account for every girl that ever watched Boy Meets World, played with Polly Pockets, wore scrunchies and rocked out to ‘N SYNC on a daily basis.

Recent Favorite: “My ears hurt from my clip-on earrings. #backtostickon
5. @country_words

            Ever wanted to tweet every fun, loving, cute, funny song lyric you hear on your favorite country station? Well don’t worry, @country_words has over 1,600 tweets, and counting, that do just that!
Recent Favorite: “Sat around til the break of dawn, howlin’ and singin’ to our favorite songs. -Jake Owen”
7. @TheFakeESPN

            This is the perfect account for all of you sports loving ladies out there! They tweet about anything from the Tim Tebow jokes to the recent Jeremy Lin jokes. @TheFakeESPN takes all the news in the sports world and gives them some spice, sass and spunk.
Recent Favorite: “Top Projected 2012 fantasy baseball player: Miguel Cabrera Top Projected 2012 baseball player to live in a fantasy: Jose Canseco”
8. @menshumor / @womenshumor

            Both of these clever accounts are guaranteed to make you chuckle, maybe even at yourself. They both crack jokes at the opposite sex and even sometimes at themselves!
Recent Favorites:
@menshumor: “You don’t realize how awesomely well stocked your parent’s fridge is until you move away from home.”
@womenshumor:“I wish my microwave had a “stealth mode” so the people I’m living with don’t know I’m having a midnight snack.”
9. @totalsratmove / @totalfratmove

            Ever wanted to follow someone who tweets exactly what you and your sorority sisters laugh, think and talk about daily? Both of these accounts are overflowing with sayings and quotes that describe your average sorority girl and fraternity guy.
Recent Favorites:
@totalsratmove:“Fat Tuesday? Um…I don’t think so. Skinny margarita Tuesday. #TSM”
@totalfratmove: “Old enough to know better. Too young to care. #TFM”
10. @sports_greats

            This account is full of motivational, catchy and interesting quotes by your favorite sports stars. @Sports_Greats even retweets numerous accounts such as @Epic_Women, @Inspire_Us and @Inspired_Ones to send some movtivation and inspiration your way. It’s a package deal!
Recent Favorite: “If you are afraid of failure you don’t deserve to be successful! -Charles Barkley”
11. @uberfacts

            Did you know that Albert Einstein married his first cousin? How about that Alloxdoxaphobia is the fear of opinions? @Uberfacts fills you in on all of the things you never thought about, until they tweeted it.
Recent Favorite: “Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined.”
Don’t forget to check out this list of our favorite Bloomington and IU accounts. Many of them give away free goodies and fill you in on all the fun stuff going on around Btown!

Courtney Kabbes is a junior at Indiana University. She is majoring in journalism with a concentration in apparel merchandising. When she's not busy updating Her Campus IU and promoting their site, she works as the Vice President of Social Media for the Retail Studies Organization and Ed2010 at Indiana. Some of her favorite things include shopping, mint chocolate chip ice cream, New York City, Bikram yoga, and spending time with her two favorite people: her mother and sister. Did we forget to mention her slight obsession with Pinterest? www.pinterest.com/ckabbes