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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

You have five minutes to walk out the door, to just barely be in time for class, but then…it begins. You hear your stomach growling. You just had breakfast, and have class for the next three hours. What in the world do you do? Game time decision begins right then. What snack do you go for that won’t a.) Spoil in about an hour, b.) Make you even more hungry, and c.) Will actually be relatively “good” for you. Well my friends, I’m here to tell you that there is actually a broad group of snacks that will serve your a., b. c. desires, and more. Those would be the oh-so-powerful, nuts. Believe me I realize, many diet conscious women take a step back at the thought of over 200 calories in just one snacking. However, fear not ladies, many studies indicates that these high calorie goodies are not only helpful in maintaining a healthy diet, but they are also packed with nutrients. According to Mayoclinic.com, nuts can be attributed to a decrease in heart disease by reducing your risk of developing potentially fatal blood clots. Not convinced? Here are some reasons I feel that you should be packing your snack pack with more crunchy goodness than anything else.

First off, studies indicate that nuts have the powerful ability to make you feel full for a longer period of time. When sitting in a classroom for hours, it is always great to know that the one snack you have will actually hold you over until its time to indulge in lunch. Nuts also have a high amount of Omega-3, which are beneficial for not only the heart but also the brain. One of the most appealing qualities is that nuts actually help to speed up your metabolism, so if you’re also planning on working out, nuts can definitely help contribute to that slimming waistline.
Standing in an aisle full of options, I understand that it may be difficult to pick out just the right nut. So here are some a list of some of my favorites:
Walnuts: contain not only the most antioxidants, but also are known to help fight symptoms of PMS.

Almonds: contain the most fiber, and have the highest amount of vitamin E, which is a very powerful antioxidant.

Cashews: contain a lot of iron and zinc, which is linked to helping build a strong immune system.

Pecans: one of the most antioxidant rich nuts, so are linked to many of the heart health benefits accredited to nuts

Brazil Nuts: with one of the highest contents of selenium, Brazil nuts have qualities that have been linked to helping fight cancer.

Pistachios: the least calorie nut, with only 4 calories each, are very rich in antioxidants, and have even been linked to decreasing the likelihood of lung cancer.
So ladies, next time you are confused about what to pick up from the grocery store to help you stay healthy and energized head straight for those nuts. I can promise you your brain, body and mind will not be complaining!