Year: 2013
Major: HSSP and Sociology
Hometown: Malden, MA
HC: What groups, activities, and or clubs are you interested in on campus?
CA: I’m member at large in Delta Phi Epsilon sorority, I’m a program assistant for Brandeis Experiential and Community Engaged Learning (ExCEL) and a Schiff research fellow.
HC: I heard you recently helped Brandeis receive a Students with Drive grant for free Zipcar use for students on campus. What can you tell me about this? How will things on campus change?
CA: It’s a program by Zipcar where you apply for funding for free zipcar use. We recieved a $5,500 grant for free zipcar use for students participating in Community Engaged Learning courses at Brandeis for two years because these classes often entail students going to local community organizations. These Community Engaged Learning courses are experiential classes in which student apply the theories they have learned from the classes to address social justice issues in the local community. For example a practicum for HSSP, connected to the Epidemiolgy, Biostatistics, and Population Health course, is currently having students look at the issue of childhood obesity. The students research the issue in the Waltham area and how to address it. The students have partnered with Healthy Waltham – a non profit organization that works to promote the health and well-being of Waltham residents. The students are going to the Boys and Girls Club and Chill Zone and teaching healthy food curriculum. Other examples of Community Engaged Learning Courses include the Immigrant Support practicum, Aging in Society, and Advocacy for Policy Change.
HC: How do students take advantage of this program?
CA: It is required that the student is enrolled in a Community Engaged Learning course and require transportation for related activities. From there they can email me at cabber@brandeis.eduand sign up for free as a part of the Brandeis Community Engaged Learning account. Once they are approved by Zipcar they can have free access to transportation.
HC: What was your role in making this happen?
CA: I applied through a program on Facebook called “ZipCar Student with Drive.” Any student from any organization can apply, by including things like photos, videos and blurbs that provide information about the organization the student represents. From there, the program chooses finalists and they upload them onto a webpage, where anyone can vote for who they want. Basically, it is outreaching and getting the word out throughout your campus.
HC: Is there anything else about these programs that you would like HC to know?
CA: On Thursday, March 8th, there will be asymposium on community approaches to addressing domestic violence, from 7 – 9:30 in Shapiro Campus Center. There will be a poster presentation and a panal discussion with community leaders and students. If there are any students who have volunteered, interned or done research related to domestic violence issues, they can contact me so they can present their own perspectives.
HC: What do you like to do for fun?
CA: I really like going out to eat, like Fire and Ice, especially on college night. I also like to watch TV. My favorite shows are Grey’s Anatomy and How I Met Your Mother. I love hanging out with my DPhiE sisters.
HC: What is something that most readers would not know about you?
CA: I’m a triplet.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.