It’s Valentine’s Day, Collegiettes! Whether you’ve got a sweetie pie, have plans with friends or are flying solo, we’ve got you covered.
Sweet little valentine cards from Shipwreck in Eureka are sure to make your Valentine swoon. | Marie F. Estrada
Venlo Chocolates in Eureka is decorated from ceiling to floor tiles with Valentine’s Day love. Stop here for unique chocolate shapes, boxes and flavors. | Marie F. Estrada
With cute window displays and a huge variety of vday stories for your valentine, The Booklegger in Eureka might just be your top stop for Valentine’s Day gifts. | Marie F. Estrada
Delicious caramel-filled chocolate squares from Drake’s Glen Creations! You can find the widest assortment of Drake’s Glen chocolates at the North Coast Co-Op in Arcata. | Alyssa Alvarez
Many places around town are going all out with their window displays—check out Shipwreck for unique digs for Valentine’s Day. | Marie F. Estrada
On Valentine’s Day, a little pampering is just the ticket. Try out these adorable heart shaped soaps from Shipwreck on 3rd Street in Eureka. | Marie F. Estrada