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10 Easy Ways To Improve Your Mood

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNI chapter.

Now that this semester is fully underway, the initial excitement to see everyone has subdued and the desire to actually have a purpose in life – aside from lying on the couch watching countless hours of One Tree Hill – has retreated behind hours of homework. I sometimes find myself slipping into a grumpy mood. While working on my psychology homework, I ran into several ways to improve your mood that are free and easy. This led me to see what other ways I could pull myself out of the mid-week slump. Here’s what I found:

1. Find the nearest mirror and smile at yourself  – This action tricks your brain into thinking you’re happy. The mirror increases this effect because your brain is conditioned to empathize with the person you’re talking to by reading their facial expressions.

2. Speaking of the people you’re talking to – ditch the downers. The mirror neurons in your brain can work both ways. That friend that’s in a bad mood? Well, she’s bringing you down. It’s okay to take a break from her venting session.

3.  Even the way you walk can affect your mood. Walk for a minute with long strides, your eyes straight ahead, and your arms swinging.

4. Jam out on your way to class – The movement of your head moving up and down in a “yes” motion tricks your brain into sending out positive vibes.

5. Have you ever been in the union and seen those people staring at there laptop with their arms folded? Copy them. That’s the mark of determination and persistence. In a study, people who had this posture persevered almost twice as long as those with their hands on their thighs. Nothing like productivity to make you feel on top of the world.

6. Doodle with yellow highlighter – The color yellow is proven to stimulate the brain and make you more alert and energetic.

7. Wear your light blue sweatshirt – This color has proven to create a sense of calm and enhance creativity.

8.  Eat a banana – Bananas are full of B vitamins. These vitamins are used for energy as well as healthy skin renewal, which is good for your hair, skin, and nails.  When you look good, you feel good,  right?

9.  Invest in a peppermint chapstick – the smell of peppermint is shown to increase memory and focus, it’ll give you the little boost you need.

10. Eat an orange– the smell of citrus is shown to increase happiness!  

The next time you’re fighting the urge to pout, check out these tips and take a minute to find your happiness.




Social Psychology 10th edition – David G. Myers (Pgs. 147-148)

My name is Alyssa Hamilton and I am a junior biology major at the University of Northern Iowa. After graduation, I hope to continue my education in medical school and continue onto a career in the field. I spend a lot of time reading, drinking coffee, and painting. Along side my involvement with this organization I am a proud member of a sorority, Gamma Phi Beta
Lottie is a junior at the University of Northern Iowa and she is a communications major with a journalism minor. She has always had a passion for fashion and writing, so she figured, why not combine them? She was a writer for Her Campus only one semester before becoming the Editor-in-chief and campus correspondent for fall of 2011. Lottie is very excited to take on the challenge and to make great things happen with Her Campus magazine.