Who says that people of various ethnic and age groups can’t live in peace amongst one another? In this day in age, it seems like most people have adapted an open mindset when it comes to encountering people of different backgrounds. Yet, that’s not always the case. Prejudices still exist. The stereotypes and generalizations people make about different groups can be astounding. Walls of separation between outsiders and insiders must be torn down. A solution to surpassing prejudicial thoughts lies in volunteering, which brings together people of various ethnic and age groups for the common purpose of service.
Egotistical, uncaring, ignorant, judgmental, ungrateful and stuck-up are just a few of the labels placed on teens and young adults, especially those in college. Our job as a college community is to stand together and counter these unjust biases by showing those who judge us our true role model potential. Turn the labels into compassionate, appreciative, kind-hearted and open-minded.
As college students, we are exposed to countless opportunities. They’re basically right in front of you everywhere you go. So take them! Don’t let fear of not fitting in stop you. If one person has the courage to participate in an opportunity such as volunteering, it shouldn’t even be taken into consideration if you will be the minority. This is exactly how we can surpass these biases: by joining together in a way that will positively impact the community.
Volunteering your time to help out a diverse community like Pittsburgh shows that we are willing to branch out to others in need, setting aside any and all differences. When we assist others without taking into account surface factors like what they might look like or where they may come from, stereotypes begin to deteriorate on all sides.
Pitt sponsored events such as Pitt Make a Difference Day (PMADD) is just one opportunity that gives students a volunteer project to help the community and broaden awareness of others’ needs. Thanks to college students’ cleaning up the community on PMADD, children get the chance to play on cleaner playgrounds. The volunteer event creates the opportunity for different college students, from different regional backgrounds, to unify together for a common purpose: helping those in need. A project such as this breaks down the walls separating different ethnic groups and proves to older individuals that teenagers are capable of working together and giving back to the community.
As college students, we are fortunate to have so many amazing opportunities, which include encountering people of various backgrounds and opinions. We’re also in a position right now to help those who are less fortunate. So what are you waiting for? Seize the day!