It’s currently the first weekend after our first week of classes back here in Oswego, and I am sitting in my sweatpants, listening to Amy Winehouse croon from my record player while pouring over childrens books. What? Guilty pleasures don’t always have to be self destructive or involve “Mob Wives.” In my personal opinion, guilty pleasures are one of the greatest things in the world, and I feel that if we indulged in them more often we would lead much happier and productive lives. After I’m done writing this, I’m probably going to watch Annie Hall for the third time this week (in my defense, I’m PMSing hard core right now).
Anyway, guilty pleasures are important and sometimes they’re incredibly self destructive. But it’s okay to indulge in them every once and a while, self destructive or otherwise. I mean, if you’re kinda drunk and you want to smoke that cigarette- go for it! Yeah, you might throw up in your mouth after but hey, I’m sure you looked really hot in the moment right before that. And plus, kinda drunk you totally enjoyed it. I’m not saying it’s okay to destroy yourself, but what I am saying is that it’s okay to indulge in crappy habits every once and a while. Split that pint of Half Baked with your BFF in her oversized bed while My Big Fat Greek Wedding is on.
Guilty pleasures – one of those
little things that really define us as individuals, as no two guilty pleasures are alike at all. They are what make us beautiful, little, darling snowflakes that sweep through the air…
Enough of that.
Embrace your guilty pleasures. You don’t have to publically admit to them, as I happen to do ever so frequently. Like that time in my Living Writers Series lecture when I openly admitted to going on Craigslist and reading the Missed Connections section. And then I blogged about it here. But seriously- indulge. Re-read your favorite Harry Potter for the 12th time while wearing only sweatpant material. Go for a run and take an ice cold shower. Dip your fingers into your pudding and lick it off your fingers. Recite all the lines from The Breakfast Club as you watch it on mute. Take all of those crazy little weird things you do that make you feel sort of weird, but really great and just run with them. Most importantly- don’t be afraid to let your guilty pleasures define you.