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How To Land a Job in Today’s Economy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

College students are all basically striving for the same thing–a career. But in today’s economic stance, there’s a sad truth to this need. No matter what the major, dreams, or even grades, a college degree does not guarantee a job.  

Years ago, it was easier to obtain a job. Not many people had a college education, so having that degree was almost always the ticket to the career afterwards. Today, if a student who could afford the high prices of a college education said they weren’t going to college, it wouldn’t even seem like a sensible choice in the eyes of society. Therefore, with more and more students achieving higher educations, jobs become more scarce and the college degree decreases in value.

So how can a college student of today guarantee a career, and an overall promising future, once they leave their University’s doors?  
Find an Internship.
In fact, taking on more than one internship throughout a college career is really what students need to do. Of course the employer of one internship won’t always hire their interns, but maybe an employer who had an intern as a sophomore might request an interview with him/her a few years later. As long as connections are kept and things are left on good terms, those past relations can come in handy. Plus, internships are a great way to network in ways other than just with the employer. Colleagues at the internship can be great friends and tools when trying to get a job after graduation.  
Keep Close Connections.
Professors have connections from their pasts and are always meeting new people within their industries. Maybe a past professor could put in a good word with someone once they hear that their past student is struggling to find a job? Try grabbing a cup of coffee with them and catching up. And when it comes to friends from college, think about those that are in the same major. They can possibly put in a good word with the boss.
Get a Part-Time Job in a Related Field.
For example, if you would like to be a lawyer, look for a desk job in a law office. Or if you want to be a teacher, get a job helping out with the after school program at a local Elementary School, or tutor. These jobs will look great on a resume because it shows experience in the work field that’s beyond just an internship. Try to put your skills to work, work in the atmosphere you would like, and make some extra cash!
No matter what a college student does, there really isn’t a way for everyone to definitely leave college with a career. But if students find little ways to make their resumes stand out against others and make the proper connections, it could increase the chances of becoming one of the lucky students who leaves with a career set up right in front of them. 

Grace Gavilanes is a rising junior at Hofstra University majoring in English and Journalism. She hopes to pursue a career in Journalism and, eventually, in English Education. Grace is super driven and has many goals that she is positive will be made into reality. This Queens native enjoys drinking bubble tea and dancing in the rain!