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The Winter Break Bucket List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Congratulations, you’ve done it! You made it through finals week with the cojones needed to ace that exam, finished that paper in time, and consumed enough Starbucks that the baristas know you by first name All that’s left is to travel home and fall into a thoroughly relaxing routine of catching up on your sleep and Hulu Plus account. But wait! Before you get into a winter break rut, remember all those things you really wanted to do. You know, like work out a few times a week, go out with your girlfriends, and hopefully, meet a cute guy to distract you from that fact that your parents think they can enforce your old curfew. Here are some of the top things to consider when you get home for winter break: 

·               Work on that fitness.  Making time for exercise over your break is worth it. Not only will you feel like you’ve accomplished something, in addition to watching a whole season of ‘Dexter’ on any given day, you’ll get a boost of endorphins too! Studies suggest endorphins not only make you happier and more relaxed. You’ll also be more able to combat stress. And think about it, you’ve got the time, don’t you? Whether it’s yoga, spinning, or running, get movin’ and make a sick playlist to make the time even better. 

·               Holiday shopping. While yes, it is true that college students may not always have the most liquid assets, doing your holiday shopping at home can be the best. Not only will you know the lay of the land, they’ll most likely be a larger selection of stores (sorry, Valley Mall). Additionally, there are some great deals as Christmas draws nearer; I bought a thick men’s cotton pullover at J. Crew last year on December 23rd for $9.95. So grab your best shopping buddy, put on some comfy socks, and hit the promenade!

·               Try something new. Whether you’ve fallen in love with the awesome crafts that always seem to be popping up on Pinterest or want to check out a new exhibit at a museum in your hometown, do something new. You can even get creative and make some of your gifts this year. Crafts, when kept on a budget, can be very affordable,  especially if you have basic supplies around your house. Also, movie theaters often offer lowered rates for students on certain days and the majority of museums are free or inexpensive. How’s that for some cultural enlightenment?

·               New Year’s Eve. 
This evening is famous for setting the stage for the year to come. Do what you’ve always wanted to do- throw a rager, head to New York City to watch the ball drop, or indulge in a fancy dinner out with your friends and family. Making the night exactly what you want ensures a wonderful time and makes it that much more special. If you’ve had your eye on a certain guy, invite him along!

Most people will jump at the chance to do something fresh on New Year’s Eve and after all, the more that merrier! 
There you have it– some pointers to make your Winter Break amazing instead of just ordinary. Do a little something different while you’re home on break and you may just surprise yourself. 


Chantal Johnson is a senior at James Madison University, studying Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Digital Video and Cinema. Aside from Her Campus JMU, she is involved with University Program Board. Chantal loves hanging out with her friends, listening to her "feel good" playlist on her iPod, or just curling up with a really good book in her spare time. Chantal loves her hometown, Roanoke,Virginia, but can't wait to graduate and explore her opportunities around the world! Within the next 10 years, Chantal's dream job would be becoming "the next Shonda Rhimes"!