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It’s the Most Gunderful Time of the Year: Top Procrastination URLs, Part 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

 Now that you’ve made it through the last week of classes (better known as pre-finals), you’re going to need some extra procrastination tools in your toolkit. Use all of them, and you’re guaranteed to make it through the Gundrise (or at least the first one). 

1. Indulge in some snarky laughs and remind yourself why you’re writing that Women’s and Gender Studies paper with www.jezebel.com

2. If you have time during a snack run, thumb through the Lady Gaga coffee table book by the couches at the Bookstore. Extra points if you can find the photo of her with B and Hova.

3. Since you’re chained to your take home final and can’t actually venture into the outside world, we’ll bring teh outside world to you (and boy, is it FESTIVE): www.gawker.com/5866716/behold-the-worlds-best-christmas-lights/gallery/4 

4. If you didn’t know about this, you’re welcome. www.fuckyeahkenyonmemes.tumblr.com

And now, the video component, Holiday Edition:

5. To supplement this, track down former Campus Celeb Alex Jordan and ask him about the time he went to a party with Justin Bieber. #itsdatroof

6. Get in a few LOLz before someone in the library tells you to shut up.

7. Get into the Holiday Spirit for a few seconds before going back to the books. #whowantsbaileys?


Caroline Black is a senior Drama major at Kenyon College. In addition to co-founding and writing for her school's HC branch, Caroline is co-president of Beer and Sex, Kenyon's student-run freshman orientation program (and she enjoys making jokes about that title as much as you do). When she's not doing hippy-dippy acting warm-ups or volunteering with her service organization, The Archon Society, Caroline enjoys watching "Parks and Recreation" and dismaying her friends with terrible puns.