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How to Indulge Without Growing the Holiday Bulge

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

The holidays are coming so you know what that means, right? Less exercise, more sleep, and lavish eating are typical during this time of year, but it doesn’t have to be this way. You might fall away from your regular routine of diet and exercise, but with the help of these three tips, you won’t have to stray too far. The best part about following these is that they give you the freedom to enjoy your holiday without compromising your weight.

1. Moderation is the golden rule no matter what time of year. We all suffer from our eyes being bigger than our stomach. Therefore, the smart solution is not only to take a little of everything, but to also start your plate off with some greens. Vegetables are known to fill your belly so that by the time you are ready to eat carb-rich foods, you will be almost full, which leads to you eating less of those other foods. Another important factor to keep in mind is making sure you consume your meals regularly. Most people usually skip meals in order to have extra room for the “big meal.” This is not a good idea! Not only are you putting your body at risk of starvation mode, which stores more body fat in order to compensate for not eating, but you also tend to overeat later because you haven’t eaten all day. In short, both risks lead to weight gain.
2. Avoid sleep after a meal!  Instead of plopping down on the couch or going down for a nap, opt to take a walk. It doesn’t have to be a hike, but walk enough that you are able to not feel as full as when you were at dinner. If you have no desire to brave the crazy weather outside, then volunteer to do the dishes. This should keep you busy and moving for a while. The point is to remain active for at least half hour or 45 minutes to burn off a few calories. A little goes a long way!

3. Beware of the Alcohol! This may be a tough one but, it’s possible! Because during the holidays we are eating more of the food that we usually stay away from throughout the rest of the year, this is not needed. Make a smart decision. If you know that in addition to having a little of everything around the dinner table plus dessert, then opt out from the spiked cider or eggnog.

All in all, just because we are in the midst of the holiday season, it does not mean you have to let yourself go completely. There are measures you can take, such as the ones listed above to ensure weight consistency throughout the holidays. Have fun, enjoy your families, but be weary of the bulge!


Ivanna Abreu is a junior Communications major at Le Moyne College with a concentration in Advertising and minors in English and Creative Writing. She was born in the Dominican Republic, but was raised in the Bronx, NY. One of her greatest passions in life is the art of communication and how people relate and communicate with each other. Living in New York City only fostered this passion because her whole life she has been surrounded by different cultures and people. Ivanna enjoys writing and reading, specifically about human interest stories. She prides herself in having a great work ethic and unlike some she enjoys constantly being on the move and being busy. In her hands you will always find either her iPhone or coffee (or on a good day both). She also loves all things comedy and is always trying to make someone laugh.