Weston Ball
Year: Third
Major: Psychology, Political Science
Hometown: Houston, TX
Campus Involvement: RIT Rugby, Psychology Student Society
Interests: People, Communication, Biotechnology, Food, Standup Comedy, Music, Sports (especially rugby, American football, and baseball), Film, Literature.
Relationship Status: Single
Dream Date: I think it’s always cool to do something that the two of you haven’t experienced, something like scuba diving, sky diving or a hot air balloon ride, or learning something together like horseback riding or ballroom dancing. Aside from that I think the most important thing is good company, followed closely by good food.
Dream Job: Replacing Adam Richman on Man v. Food.
Favorite Quote: Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. – Ernest Hemingway
Interesting Fact: During the hurricane Ike flood in Houston I was part of an informal rescue team that consisted of my neighbor, myself, and a canoe. Surprisingly we actually did manage to help a few people out.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.