Name: Krassi Popov
Hometown: Sofia, Bulgaria
Graduation Year: 2015
Major/Minor/LSM: Corporate Finance and Accounting
Campus Involvements: RHA, BIG, BMG
Interests: Money, Cars, Soccer, Volleyball
Inside Details
Describe yourself in 3 words: Determined, Complex, and Loyal
Any secret talents? Cooking and drawing
What would be your dream job? FBI Agent
If the Mad Falcon had a sandwich named after you, what would it be called? Grassi
Favorite place in the world: Cape Cod
Favorite Bentley memory or experience: First Week
Favorite song: D’Agostino– L’Amour Toujours
Love, Love, Love
What would you like to do on your ideal date? Eat.
What do you look for in a girlfriend/boyfriend? Maturity
Relationship Status: Single