Year: Senior
Hometown: Upper Arlington, OH
Major: Psychology and Communication, with a minor in Dance
OSU Senior Elle Pierman is one of those people who manages to do it all: not only does she maintain a 4.0 GPA while finishing up two majors and a minor, she also balances a job and extracurricular responsibilities on the side as well. And don’t even get us started on her hip hop talents!
HC: When did you first start dancing?
EP: I started dancing when I was in eighth grade, starting with Jazz. I started competing junior and senior year in high school and loved it. Then I came to college and didn’t dance for the first year, but then my sophomore year I joined Stylez.
What is Stylez exactly?
EP: We’re mostly a hip hop dance group (of OSU students), but we incorporate other styles of dancing into our acts as well, like tap and Pointe. We like to perform around campus whenever we can! We also always do events like Buckeyethon and Relay For Life, and then we also have a competition every year called Midwest Mix-Up.
HC: What’s your role in Stylez this year?
EP: I am the Treasurer this year, and part of the responsibilities including making up ÂĽ of the choreography for our routines.
HC: What is your favorite part?
EP: I love the girls on the team, and so I love getting to just hang out with them! We love sharing dance together and performing whenever we can.
HC: What else keeps you busy?
EP: School keeps me very busy, and I also work at the OSU Golf Course as a waitress/bartender.
HC: What is your favorite college memory so far?
EP: Gordon Gee came to my 21st birthday party! I sent him an email one day and told him that I was a student in the Honors college and that my friend and I were having a party since we were both turning 21 and would love for him to come. He never emailed me back, so I didn’t expect anything. Then, at 10:00 PM, he walked through the door and we all just stopped and stared. It was amazing!
HC: What advice would you give students who are also heavily involved with school and extracurriculars?
EP: Get good at budgeting your time, but don’t forget to have fun! Always make time to relax and spend time with people you love.