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Caring About Kim? No, Thanks.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

In case you live in some cave deep in the Amazon and didn’t hear: Kim Kardashian and her husband, What’s-His-Face are getting divorced. If you aren’t one of those lucky few that has no contact to the outside world, than you’re probably sick of hearing about it.
On August 20, Kim Kardashian wed basketball
star Kris Humphries. On October 9, E! aired the first in a two part special, “Kim’s Fairytale Wedding” which reeled in more than 4 million viewers. It cost about 10 million dollars for Kim to throw this lavish affair, however she earned 17.9 million dollars. Now, I’m going to ask you a question that may ring in your mind for the next few hours.
Ladies and gentlemen, the only reason why Kim Kardashian is allowed to get away this heinous act is because we let her. And why do we let her? Why do we allow this woman, who is famous for absolutely no reason, continue to be famous?  She might be super hot, but let’s be honest here- she’s not really that funny, and she’s kind of an idiot.
But all that money and stupidity is beside the point. Kim Kardashian is allowed to get married and divorced in less than three months, yet two men who have been together for thirty years cannot be recognized as a union in 41 states. What?
The reasoning for this is, sadly enough, the same reason why Kim Kardashian continues to be famous for a sex tape that “leaked” in 2007. We are lazy. We would rather sit and watch Khloe and Lamar argue, than fight for something that affects a high number of our population- something like the right for same sex marriage.
We scoff at the protesters at Wall Street but tune in weekly to try and keep up with the Kardashians. We’re more educated on why Khloe named her baby whatever she named it than what The Arab Spring actually means. We don’t speak with conviction and at the same time, we don’t ask questions. We’re sort of this giant paradox, too afraid to stand up for what we actually believe in.
And trust me, in terms of the same-sex marriage debate, I get the whole “we’re a Christian nation, why should we let gays marry” argument- but really, how “Christian” of a nation are we if as a nation, we allow Kim Kardashian to be famous and completely bastardize the concept of marriage?
I know Kim Kardashian isn’t the first celebrity to pull this whole marriage/divorce stunt. I remember Brittany Spears and J. Lo, and all those other pop stars. And trust me; what they did is just as bad. However, they did not capitalize off of their marriage half as much as Kim did.
4 million viewers. 10 million dollars. 18 million dollars earned. 41 states. 72 days. Kim Kardashian.
Are we going to stand up for what we believe in? Or try and keep up with the Kardashians?

Kaitlin Provost graduated from SUNY Oswego, majoring in journalism with a learning agreement in photography. She grew up in five different towns all over the Northeast, eventually settling and graduating from high school in Hudson, Massachusetts. Kait now lives in the blustery town of Oswego, New York, where she can frequently be found running around like a madwoman, avoiding snow drifts taller than her head (which, incidentally, is not very tall). She has worked for her campus newspaper, The Oswegonian, as the Assistant News Editor, and is also the President of the Oswego chapter of Ed2010, a national organization which helps students break into the magazine industry. She hopes to one day work for National Geographic and travel the world.