When Robbie isn’t busy watching old Kirsten Dunst movies, planning perfect dates on the Charles with pizza and Arnold Palmer, and reminiscing about his childhood years when he enjoyed a hearty plate of cat food (the Friskies kind, not the wet kind), he spends his time on the soccer field with his team. As a first year Brandeis student, Robbie is still adjusting to life at Brandeis, but it seems like he’s acclimated pretty well (he even claims he already understands Brandeis goggles!). Luckily, he was able to take a few minutes out of his hectic schedule to sit down with Her Campus and impress us with his sense of humor and freshman charm. Oh, and, of course, we couldn’t stop laughing at that one time he got pantsed on the soccer field…READ ON collegiates, you’ll be glad you did!
Name:Robbie Joseph Lynch
Hometown:Weymouth, Massachusetts
On-campus activities:I play varsity soccer, work at the cage in the athletic center, and want to get involved in intramurals eventually because I heard they’re awesome
Favorite book: Anthem by Ayn Rand
Favorite movie:Mighty Ducks 2
Current favorite song:anything by Eminem
Favorite quote:“Many can make the crowd go wild, few can silence it”
Your friends would describe you in 3 words as…goofy, weird, and friendly
Favorite place you’ve travelled to: Definitely Ireland. I’m, like, 90% Irish
When not in class, you’re…studying a little bit, you’ve got to do it once in a while, listening to music, hanging out with friends, playing Nintendo 64, playing soccer and basketball
Most embarrassing moment: This one time, I was playing soccer, and I was going after the ball. I finally got the ball past this kid on the other team, and as I kept going to run past him, I ran into his leg, and I kept going, but my shorts ended up around my ankles. I just didn’t know what to do. It was embarrassing. The parents were cracking up, and everyone on the field stopped and looked.
An interesting fact: I have the WORST eyesight ever. If I don’t have my glasses on, I can’t see 10 feet in front of me
Three things you can’t live without: Gotta go with the basics here; food, shelter and water
Where on campus do you feel most at home? My room
What are you most looking forward to? Brandeis girls!!!
Favorite snack food:I love snacks, they’re my thing. My favorite is probably Cheetos, but only the crunchy kind. The puffy kinds get stuck to the roof of your mouth, and it’s just too much. Oh, and Stacy’s pita chips too! I could eat those all day
Ideal date: Ok here’s how it starts off. It’s early fall, like September, and we’ll start off getting some scooters. We’ll just scooter along the Charles River, then get some pizza, but we won’t eat at pizza place. We’ll get on a canoe into the middle of the Charles River, anchor down, and eat some pizza, maybe with some Arnold Palmers, to.
If you had one wish, what would it be? Good eyesight
Position on the soccer field: Outside back (defense)
Upcoming schedule: We have a home game vs. Lasell College on Monday, October 24th at 7:00 pm
Boxers or briefs: Silky boxers, I’ve got like 10 pairs of them, and nothing else. Except occasionally the Hanes comfy waistband, those are nice too.
Would you rather get rid of Justin Beiber or Rebecca Black: Beiber, cause Selena’s hot. Also, his name reminds me too much of the name Beaver, and the only Beaver should be Leave It to Beaver.
Celebrity crush: Kirsten Dunst, but not how she looks now, she’s kinda old. Maybe like 10 years ago when she was in Bring it On
If you could get any tattoo, what would it be? Something meaningful, like if I got one now, I’d get something to do with my heritage. Maybe the American Irish flag or something.
Well, there you have it! If you want to see this week’s cutie up close and personal, be sure to stop by the Men’s Varsity soccer game on Monday, October 24th at 7:00 pm, and look out for #33!