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Advice My Mom Got Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Like any teenage daughter, I used to brush off my mom’s advice, rolling my eyes at her persistent nagging and nudging. However, having lived on my own for two years now, I have come to appreciate the advice my mom bestowed upon me as I grew up. It’s important to remember that our mom’s were all young women at one point and have enough experience to give valuable tips and tricks for a smoother day-to-day life. The following are the best pieces of wisdom my mom has shared with me over the years:
Pack lunch and prepare clothes before bed
In high school my mom always told me, “Ten minutes now is fifteen minutes in the morning.” What she meant is ten minutes preparing lunch and picking out my clothes at night saves me fifteen minutes of frantically running around in the morning getting ready. (It always took longer because I was grumpy and groggy.) We all know those extra minutes in bed in the morning feel like absolute paradise, right?

Make your bed first
The first step to a tidy room is making the bed. The bed acts as a sort of centerpiece to the room, so a messy one really affects the room’s cleanliness. If you don’t have time to put away all your clothes or vacuum the floor, you can at least quickly fix up your bed. A clean room is very calming, and an organized living space often correlates to a more organized life.
Go to bed at a reasonable hour
The concept of “beauty rest” is more than simple folklore. Getting six to eight hours of sleep a night is proven to improve your muscle recovery, your mental clarity, and even your waistline. If you want to feel and look sharp for school or work, hit the sack seven to nine hours before you have to wake up. This gives you some cushion room to actually fall asleep and leisurely awaken. If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try turning off all lights and electronics an hour before bed as they might keep you wired and alert.
Make lists to organize your thoughts
I am an absolute list-junkie. I make ‘To Do’ lists, ‘To Buy’ lists, ‘To Download’ lists… I draw little squares to the left of each task then draw an X in each box as I accomplish it. These lists help me sort out all the responsibilities and desires that are clogging up my mind. As I watch each task completed and X’d off the list, I feel a sense of accomplishment and relief as the list dwindles. Believe me, a completed ‘To Do’ list feels incredibly satisfying.
Bargain shopping and mission shopping
I love shopping with my mom; she has great taste and an eye for gems among rocks. She has taught me that anyone can look and feel fabulous on a budget. Thanks to her, I have become a skilled bargain shopper with, admittedly, an affordably overflowing closet. The less enjoyable form of shopping my mom always encourages is what she calls ‘Mission Shopping’. Whether it is new jeans, a new tote bag, or a new bikini, my mom has always emphasized searching for what I actually need, rather than getting sidetracked and impulsively purchasing another pair of yoga pants. If you find yourself always buying stuff you don’t need and skipping out on what you do, bring a ‘To Buy’ list with you! Put it in your phone.

Don’t lie

In any relationship, trust is a key to its success and longevity. Whether a friend breaks a promise or a playboy breaks your heart, it is normal to feel angry and to resent giving someone your trust. Since we can all understand the pain or frustration of a lie or a liar, we should understand the importance of being true and honest people. It is better to be upfront and cope with the truth then to get caught in a messy tangle of half-truths and full on lies.
Eat your fruits and veggies
Any girl who has done her health and fitness research knows the great benefits of fruits and veggies. Each of these foods provides essential vitamins and nutrients for the human body. If you aren’t big on salads or steamed veggies, try to get your fix with vegetable soup…they all taste like potatoes anyway! If you aren’t a big fruit-eater, get your fix with a tasty smoothie or parfait. After all, fruit is nature’s candy!
Embrace your bubble butt
I remember when I was a young girl, my mom told me that my sister and I had what she called “bubble butts.” I remember becoming upset over this, as a naïve ten year old, thinking this was an insult. My mom immediately explained that this was not a bad thing at all, that lots of boys like bubble butts and one day I will appreciate what I have. She was right! Parts of my appearance that once embarrassed me, I now love and embrace. I hated being short, now I love being petite! I hated the mini-mole on my face, now I like that it adds character! (Plus it’s totally in the same spot as Blake Lively’s). So don’t worry too much if parts of your appearance seem unique or a little off…in fact, it’s a good thing!  If you flaunt your qualities and confidently embrace them, it will show. Soon enough every one else will be falling in love with your slanted smile too!

If your decision won’t negatively affect you or others, do what makes you happy
Before most big decisions in life, I consult with my mom and weigh out all the options.  Something she always emphasized was the importance of how my decisions impact others. She insisted that if my choice will not negatively affect my life or other people, that I should simply choose what makes me happy. It is impossible to please everyone, but it is wrong to hurt people if it is preventable. My mom has explained to me that the best thing we can do for others is be our best, most positive, happiest self.
Save coins
In seventh grade, by recommendation of my mother, I began collecting coins in a tin lunch box. I continued to save through my senior year of high school, and the amount I collected is remarkable. Combining that money with some money I made selling books and old clothes, I was able to buy myself plane tickets to Hawaii and back. It is a long process, but well worth it in the end! Just don’t be too tempted to reach in before your done saving.

Purge your closet semi-annually
This piece of advice is one I still struggle with to this day. I am what you might call a clothing hoarder. I add new clothes to my closet frequently, but never get rid of the items I know I never wear anymore. I am always telling myself, “Maybe one day I’ll like how that top looks on me.” But, alas, that day never seems to come. My mom has always been on my case about donating clothes to the Salvation Army or at least giving them to my friends. She is right; my closet is overflowing with clothes I never wear. Surely someone else will make better use out of these items! If you would like to make a little bit of money off old clothes, head to stores like Crossroads and Buffalo Exchange, which give you cash or store credit for your items!

So it turns out my mom was actually right about a lot of things! It’s easy to blow of our mothers and to tell them they simply don’t understand our generation. However, some life guidelines are timeless and universal. So give your mom a chance; after all, mother knows best, right?

Claire Cumberland is a sophomore at Fordham University in the Bronx. A communications major, she doesn’t have a singular idea about what she wants to do with her life, but hopes to dabble in many different things before stumbling upon her dream job. She enjoys reading, writing, walking her dog Scout, going to thrift stores, watching television, painting her nails, getting internships, online shopping, and color coding things. Claire has interned at Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, a charity for childhood cancer established in her hometown of Philadelphia, PA. She also interned at Sesame Workshop as a production intern for The Electric Company, a popular show on PBS. Claire is currently involved in Global Outreach at Fordham University and is an anchor for Fordham Nightly News.