Bonjour Princeton collegiettes™!
This issue marks the 22nd issue of Her Campus Princeton! This issue also marks our first of many letters from the editor, in which one of us (Tola and myself) will be telling you guys what’s up this week with Her Campus Princeton and which articles, in particular, you should read inbetween orgo problem sets and Practical Ethics readings.
If you haven’t already seen the Sound of Mind, Body, and Style photo shoot–how could you?–check it out immediately! The shoot focuses on positive and negative affectors of emotional, mental, and physical health. Are you into free gear? No worries, I am too! Make sure to enter (and spread the word about) our two giveaways!
We’ve got a lot of great content this week! Let us know what you would like to see in HCP in the comments section below. Happy reading!
Ajibike {Editor-in-Chief}
Image Credit Here.