Collegiettes™! Here is a simple way to recreate caramel apples, minus the mess and difficult eating. Snicker salad combines all of the ingredients of a caramel apple, just in different proportions and through different ingredients. While caramel apples are a special fall treat, sometimes the mess cancels out my enjoyment of eating them. So, when I came across this recipe, I was excited that I would be able to recreate one of my favorite fall treats in a fun, noncomplex way.
For Snicker Salad, all you need is:
-1 container of Cool Whip
– 3 Snicker bars
– 4 tart green apples
– Marshmallows (optional)
1. Cut up Snickers into little bite size pieces. Core and cut apple into bite size pieces.
2. Mix in a bowl with the whole container of cool whip (you may use less than the whole container if you want) the apple and Snicker pieces. Add in marshmallows (optional).