I know that on your roller coaster of life you are coasting downhill. It’s that time of the school year. Classes are getting a little harder, the project that is worth 20% of your grade is starting (and you probably hate your group), and the grades start coming back from professors. For some of us our senioritis is kicking in pretty hard. For me, it’s the same time of year that I lose concentration. The little things distract me, and honestly I probably want them to deep down inside.
Sunday is my day for homework. This Sunday was different. Yes, I slept in until 2pm. Yeah, I went out for “breakfast”. I DID need to do laundry. My room was a mess.
Now I’m at this point where everything is “done” but my homework and now I’m ready for a nap (its 4:30). I’m going through all my syllabi and deciding what can wait and what isn’t worth it in the end.
Still contemplating a nap. I should drink more coffee.
I finally do one reading and throw in the towel. Monday I’ll do all of my homework (So glad I don’t have class all day). I can always get focused again if I do certain things that will distract me in a healthy way. Reset my brain, if you will. I have some tips on how to stay focused…
Number One: Physical Activity
If your brain feels like its melting in your skull and you need a break (as opposed to a Facebook break)… Take a quick walk! Ride your bike! Do some jumping jacks? Anything you can think of would be good. This type of break is good for you physically AND mentally! Sometimes taking a moment for a walk is essential for the thinking process. I can always collect my thoughts better this way.
Number Two: Coffee Break
When I study, I NEED caffeine. Running to Biggby to grab a coffee is the highlight of my studying. I always study with a friend, so we make the trip together and utilize my Buy One Get One (BOGO for you newbies) coupon. This also takes into account my number one tip! The walk from Waldo Library to the Bernhard Center is a perfect way to get some activity in your study binge- and to release your mind from studying by chatting with a friend!
Number Three: Music Break
Not only am I always listening to music while studying but also I always listen to ambient and instrumental music. Sometimes I need a break from that and I’ll throw on a song that is upbeat and has words in it just so I know I can get away from my work for a 3 minute period. Sometimes this one is dangerous, especially if you are going to listen to a song on YouTube because then you can get carried away and chain-watch some videos.
So anyway! My words of advice are: don’t be afraid to take breaks from doing homework or studying! You just need to monitor how many you are taking and how often! Too much means you will be working for longer (but you knew that!) Treat yourself to a coffee (of hot chocolate for those of you that don’t like coffee… yet). And don’t be afraid to make conversation with some friends!
Until next time!
Editor: Katelyn Kivel