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Michael Fletcher 2012

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Hurry up! You only have one short year left to get to know this week’s Campus Cutie, senior Michael Fletcher. Or, as he is affectionately known, Mike Mike (but don’t tell him I told you). He claims he was bad as a kid and his mom would take birthday parties away as punishment, but it seems like he’s got everything straightened out now – I wouldn’t be surprised if in a few years we see him advising a major politician. Insider tip – root for the Orioles if you want to win extra points with Fletch. And keep your eyes peeled for him at this fall’s Linus – it’ll be his first one!  
Grade? Senior
Hometown?Baltimore, MD
Studying? Political Science
Activities on Campus?Pitcher on the baseball team (I throw harder than Taylor). I’m the president of The Solution, which is a party to promote multi-cultural interactions on campus in a relaxed environment, and I’m a Lock and Chain alum.
When did you get your ears pierced?Two years ago. I was bored one day at home with my sister and we just went.
Favorite meal of the day? Dinner – I like indulging. I get to eat a lot.
Favorite movie?The Departed.
Favorite year of school so far? Freshman year. I had a great floor (Dardick 4).
Dreams for next year? In the long term, I want to be a political advisor. I don’t want to be a politician because they sell their souls. I feel like once you’re a politician, money pulls your strings. I also want to learn Portuguese, that’s my next project.
Are you going on the senior trip?No, I’m going to visit my girlfriend in California.  I would have gone but I booked it before I realized it was the same weekend.
Are you going to Linus? Yes, I need to buy a ticket, thanks for reminding me.
Favorite WILD show?  I haven’t been a huge fan of any of them. It would have been Wale but I was abroad – I saw him perform before in DC.
Favorite place to eat in St. Louis?Pappy’s. Get the ribs and sweet potatoes, but don’t get the green beans, they’re pretty hard.
What will you miss most about St. Louis next year? My friends.
Strangest thing you’ve seen on this campus? The streakers during reading week.
Class you would recommend to anyone? Probably my freshman seminar, Bill of Rights: Freedoms and Limitations. I’m a law nerd.
Hidden talent? I’m a good swimmer. When I was younger, I went to a national meet for the butterfly. But freshman year of high school I was only 5’2” and 98 pounds – I didn’t have my man body – so I kept losing and I’m competitive, so I didn’t like that. I had to stop swimming because it was too much for my shoulders to pitch and swim.
Most romantic thing you’ve done?I baked an apple pie for my girlfriend.
Have you ever had a crush on a professor? Definitely when I was younger, probably every year in elementary school, but not any recently. 

Rosa Heyman is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis studying Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Writing. She has worked as an editorial intern at Black Book Magazine in NYC and St. Louis Magazine, and for the web editor at Redbook Magazine in NYC. A Rhode Island native, Rosa likes reading, writing, Kate Moss, The New York Times' Modern Love columns, Paolo Pellegrin photography, and roller coasters.