So there’s this guy that I’m seeing at the moment. We’re not official or anything and while I think he’s cute, I’m more interested in his suite mate. He makes me laugh and he’s very sexy, and a lot more outgoing than the guy I’m currently seeing. How should I cut ties with the other guy and still get his suitemate?
Hmm, this one’s definitely a toughie. If I were you I would tell the guy that I’m seeing that I think we’d be better off as friends and that we should not talk for a while to let the feelings for each other settle. I wouldn’t suggest running off with the suitemate just yet because remember that him and the other guy are friends so you don’t want any gossip starting. Let the dust settle and see how you feel in a few weeks. You may surprise yourself and find an even better guy than the other two! J
Good luck!!
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.