Well, it has happened again. Just like it does every year. I blinked and Fall semester swooped in with a blunt crispness to end those long lazy days of summer (or perhaps busy days of wrapping up internships and squeezing in one more day at the pool). With the routine hustle and bustle of campus, it is easy to forget to notice the beauty and conveniences that Virginia Tech and the surrounding area has to offer. I personally go through my days mostly oblivious of the little things that make each day flow so smoothly. Of course, I have my ups and downs, you know those days where you don’t give a f@$!#^ and sweat pants, no make-up and a messy pony is what you wake up wearing and happens to transfer to class as well. However, I try to make a point of appreciating everything in my life that I am blessed with, and am usually that person in your way walking between classes as I stare at the clouds and laugh because they look like octopi and lions (this really happened the other day).
On that note, I never have 8ams because it is against my religion (and should be against everyone’s), but when I do find myself on campus before 9:30am, I always find it so beautiful to see the mass amounts of students trudging across the Drillfield. People are probably scoffing at the beauty of crossing the Drillfield, seeing as it’s usually ten degrees colder than anywhere else on campus, and windy as all get out, but it is beautiful. I always imagine the people as a blur of ants on a mission, each with their own story, and place to be. I especially love when the fog is still low enough to be hovering above the dewy grass and people drift in and out of sight as they disappear behind the puffs of grey walking from Pamplin to Deets for a morning cup of coffee (or maybe that’s just me because I’m a zombie come 2:30 without my caffeine). It just takes a moment of awareness to take into account the ease with which we all interact with each other as students, professors, campus visitors, and athletes on the Drillfield.
Another thing I take for granted is the amazing bus system we have. I try and thank my bus driver every ride because they are AWESOME! When I talk to friends at other universities they all gush with jealousy at the thought of a dependable bus system, or a bus route at all. I used to leave my apartment 25 minutes before class started and get there early due to the dependability of our BT busses. Thank you baby Jesus for kick-a$$ time checks! One thing I don’t take for granted is the crappy student parking we all have to deal with, but that is easily combated when you take the bus!
Truth be told, I came to Tech because of the food. Seriously. I am not kidding. Well, and I like the diversity that VT has to offer, and we have a pretty stellar football team, and the prof’s aren’t half bad either, but I digress. The initial decision was completely based on food. Literally, the dining hall staff at DX knows me and said they missed my boyfriend and I over the summer. Embarrassing or super sweet? I go to ABP everyday and get a breakfast sandwich and coffee. They still mess my name up, but it’s cool, it’s not phonetic or anything (I joke, it is phonetic. Sound it out, yo). Can we talk about the free refill policy we have going on with receipts? Hello, that’s awesome. Appreciate that, will you. I do.
Finally, look around you. Virginia scenery is easy on the eyes, and especially now that we’re getting into the depth of Fall pay attention to the beauty as the leaves begin to change colors, and the days are as clear as can be. All of the examples I’ve mentioned are things I love but often forget to really take into consideration. For my own mental health I have to slow myself down sometimes and appreciate what is smacking me in the face or I find myself sinking into a stupor made up of classes, food, sleep, and work. Live and love your life at Virginia Tech for all the big things, but especially for all the same things we take for granted for everyday.
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