It really is all to blame on me being scatter brained. Looking at the bigger picture I can really see that none of the things that made THE WORST DAY EVER were anything even a little bit terrible in all reality. I woke up this particular morning in (mostly, thanks to a pulled muscle in my neck!) good health. I am going to COLLEGE. And just because I couldn’t find my phone charger to bring with me to campus (because GASP! my phone might die) doesn’t mean I am going to have a legitimate bad day. Although I definitely began my day thinking that was the most terrible thing that could happen to me. EVER. I obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  I did however conclude that bad days consist of the same three components:
Component number one: Sadness.
Personal relationships are the root of my sadness on my bad days (this day it was the first think I woke up to. Thank you text messages). Honestly, you shouldn’t be keeping people around in your life that make you sad but I know better than to really say that. How can anyone help it? (Especially if you are head over heels for someone!) Actually, I don’t really want to get into this one because my relationships are such a mess. But that is also a main point! WHY ARE THEY ALWAYS SUCH A MESS?? (potentially another post, coming soon!)
Component number two: Frustration.
My senior thesis proposal was rejected. I worked really hard to collect all this information about my topic just to find out it was going to invade people’s privacy to interview them! (psh!) What I wanted to do was what I was really passionate about and now I have to settle for something not as cool (did I mention I have to start over again??).  (This part of the worst day ever is usually the one with the most examples, but for the better interest of my mental health I’m going to limit my example to ONE.)
Component number three: Mindless Mistakes.
While my head was in the clouds and I was sitting in the BHC lab just cruising YouTube (for a mental break! Don’t judge me!), I looked at the time. 3:30pm. I have class at 4 in Sangren (and thanks to the construction it takes a little bit longer to get to class). I slowly shuffle to class (oh my woes!) and get to the room. Then a funny thing happened- I looked in and the prof was lecturing. Everyone was already there. I mosey on in and sit down. I was so confused. It was only like, 3:50. Then I realize, guess what, class started at 3:30. (I laugh about it now and honestly I laughed about it when I realized my mistake but for this particular day it was JUST what I needed to lighten my mood.)
You’ve probably heard people tell you “Don’t sweat the small stuff”… well DON’T! And while I understand the fact that you just missed the bus on the day you are supposed to present first in your class, it will be fine.
I would like to point out that this kind of stuff happens. To EVERYONE. It was only one day. This semester take a pledge to yourself to not have another WORST DAY EVER but if you do, just know that anything “bad” that happens is just a little bump in a very bumpy, but short, road.
Until next time!
Editor: Katelyn Kivel