Every girl has been there. You see a super cute girl with a rockin’ body and jealously think to yourself, “I could never look like that….” Well tough love, honey! You never will look like her, because every woman has a different body type. From skinny minnies to curvalicious mamacitas, the female physique is difficult to categorize. Women need to stop despising others for their bodies, and love what god gave them! Instead of spending your life hating the body you live in, you need to embrace it! Maintaining an active lifestyle will help you learn to love your figure. Here are some exercises fit for every body type.
Keeping Your Curves
A curvy figure is one that is extremely sought after, yet difficult to maintain. It is very easy to get caught up in your daily activities and forget about working out. To keep the man-repellent cellulite at bay, here are a few exercise tips to keep your curvy body kickin’. Walking a few miles 2 to 3 times a week will keep your legs toned without getting too muscular. To keep your bodacious butt firm, not flabby, utilize the stairmaster for 10-15 minutes each use for gradual results. Try walking backwards up the stairmaster for an enjoyable burn! Also, lift weights, such as 2 to 5 lbs, to get rid of unwanted underarm sag.
Toning Your Figure
Some women, like me, were body-builders out of the womb! No matter what I did, or how hard I tried, I could never lose my muscle! I soon realized that instead of trying to lose my muscle, I needed to start toning. To avoid being known as the “beefy babe,” here are some exercises that will transform your figure to be as hard as a rock! To define muscle mass and burn fat, weightlifting is key! To avoid bulking up, lift moderate weight, such as 8 to 15 lbs. Try sprinting intervals of 20 seconds sprint, 10 seconds rest on either the treadmill or the track. These intervals will easily help tone your lower body while also burning plenty of calories. There are countless amounts of classes provided by the UCF Recreation and Wellness Center, including Situational Abs, Spinning, Kickboxing, etc. http://www.rec.ucf.edu/.My new favorite exercise, and a fantastic way to tone your body while utilizing all of your muscles, is swimming. You will feel your body getting tighter by the lap!
Maintaining a Petite Frame
Now come the skinny minnies. These women have never lifted a weight in their life and only go to the gym to socialize.
The look of skinny legs and arms with a muffin top has got to go! Here are some exercises to keep your frame looking petite and proportional. Long-distance running is the ultimate activity to keep your figure looking slim without gaining unwanted muscle. If you are trying to avoid working out outside, exercise on the elliptical with little resistance but the ramp all the way up. Yoga is another way to keep your body in shape, while also keeping your soul nourished.
No matter what your body type is, you can use all of these exercises to help transform yourself into the ultimate you! By consistently working out and eating healthy, not only will you see a stellar bod emerge, but you will also notice yourself become happier and more productive! Working on my body and self-esteem is a day-to-day task. Right now, I am beginning to train for a half-marathon (it’s on my bucket list)! So wish me luck!