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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Name: Elliott Steimer
Hometown: Blackheath, England
Lives in: Kent Island, Md.
Major: Biochemistry
Year: Freshman
Interests: Quidditch, Soccer, Running
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Quote: “Don’t drink and drive, smoke and fly.”
Favorite Artist and Song: Gorillaz “Clint Eastwood”
Celebrity Crush: Keira Knightley
HC Maryland Questionnaire
HC UMD: What is your favorite feature about yourself?
Elliott: “My smile.”

HC UMD: What about on a girl?
Elliott: “Personality.”

HC UMD: What was the best date you ever had?
Elliott: “It would probably have to be laser tagging. That was really fun.”

HC UMD: Any fun facts about yourself?
Elliott: “Well, I’m from England.”

HC UMD: Do the girls like the accent?
Elliott: “It works quite well.  It helps a lot.”

HC UMD: Any future goals?
Elliott: “To become a doctor someday.”
HC UMD: What is your favorite thing about Maryland?
Elliott: “The parties and the people.”

HC UMD: Why did you decide to come here?
Elliott: “It was a lot cheaper and I really like the campus.”

HC UMD: What do you do on the weekends?
Elliott: “Go out with friends, try to run, stay in shape, and study a little bit.”

HC UMD: What could a girl do to get your attention?
Elliott: “One who’s nice, but good looking.”