I spent my first two years dabbling in the variety of options that UVM has to offer in terms of male counterparts. I’m sure we could all tell one hell of a story about the guy we never pictured ourselves hooking up with, or the guy down the hall you had to see for the rest of the year after that one Saturday night.
At first glance or first kiss, it is hard to tell whether or not the sparks will continue to fly or if the sea of other viable options could wash any semblance of last week’s fling away. Here are my top five tips on how to tell if he’s a keeper:
1) He texts you during the day
A guy who checks in during the day is definitely looking for more than just a hookup. He is interested in finding out more about you: where you hang out, what classes you have and who your friends are. Also, if he texts you during the day, its obvious he is thinking about you when you aren’t together!
2) He hangs out with you and your girlfriends
If a guy is into you, he will make sacrifices in order to spend some quality time. If that means ditching the bros and hanging with the girls, a truly interested guy will man up and do it. Don’t get too comfortable with this arrangement though – no guy wants to fall into the “whipped” category.
3) He meets up with you for meals
This does not necessarily mean a formal date. A quick run to the Simpson Store for sandwiches is a good enough indicator that he’s interested in more. If you’re still interested in him after watching him eat (men- mind your manners!), ask to make the meet-up a weekly routine to confirm the commitment.
4) He jokes around with you
A guy who is comfortable with you and wants you to reciprocate the feeling will test the waters. He will make jokes and mimic you to get a positive reaction. If his jokes don’t tickle your fancy and cross the line of immaturity and embarrassment, it may be time to move on.
5) He introduces you to his friends
If a guy sees you as a fit partner, he will want to show you off to his friends to get the ultimate stamp of approval. You know you are on the road to success when he wants you to meet his friends (after all, college friends are almost like family!)
Are you in a fling or the real thing?
Share your tips with us on how you can tell in our comment feed below!