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HOT Summer Romance Novels to Take to the Beach—Indulge Yourself!

Summer is right around the corner (or here for some of you, you lucky ducks).  As the weather warms up and finals wind down, the perfect thing to read, other than Her Campus, of course, is a frivolous, but oh-so-steamy romance novel.  Seriously.  I’m not talking about the ones with Fabio on the cover (although, he is the “King of Romance”).  There is a HUGE selection of romance novels geared towards the modern collegiette™ with just the right amount of trashy goodness.  The drama in these is so much better than a staged episode of “The Hills”.  HC’s Top Ten Picks for Summer?  Read on:

1. Hot Item by Carly Phillips

The picture on the cover is enough reason to buy this book—abs, abs, abs!  The book follows Sophie, a top sports management agent, as she falls in lust with her sexy quarterback client.  All you cleat-chasers out there will appreciate the descriptions of the dude’s chiseled body.  Phillips is also a New York Times bestselling author.  Contemporary romance at its finest!

Find it on Amazon here

2. Any Man of Mine by Rachel Gibson

Ohh, the drama.  This (still steamy) novel asks the question: what happens when you fall in love with your baby daddy?  While this may not be an entirely common concern amongst collegiettes™, I think we can all relate to being tempted by an ex.  Will Autumn let Sam back into her life?  You know she will, but it’s a seriously fun read.

Find it on Amazon here.

3. Love Match by Amy Bates

Calling all you study-abroad babes: Love Match features cross-cultural romance.  A fledgling young relationship journalist (hmm, sounds familiar) falls for an unavailable “sexy Spaniard,” about whom she must write for her magazine.  The novel features sexy accents, forbidden love, and among other things, tennis.

Find it on Amazon here.

4. Three Men and a Maybe by Debbie Carbin

For the collegiette™ who likes choices.  Summer is the time to date around, so why not get in the mood with this tale of Beth, who has to choose between Richard, Seth, Brad, and Rupert.  That’s right, four guys!!  Richard, who’s off with some other girl, is her “maybe.”  But while holding out for him, she meets a sexy millionaire, a cute guy from her office, and a mysterious friend of a friend.  Commence multi-tasking.  Also reminiscent of our favorite Ryan Reynolds chick flick Definitely, Maybe (but from the girl’s perspective).

Find it on Amazon here.

5. Romantically Challenged by Beth Orsoff

This is for the Blair Waldorf-types who want the PERFECT guy, no exceptions.  Julie Burns is an LA entertainment lawyer (dream job, anyone?) who decides that since finding The One is chance, she’ll date anyone and everyone to come across the perfect guy.  But will she let go of her “list” to let love in?  Oh ho ho, I think you know the answer.

Find it on Amazon here.

6. Cougars by Clair Irvin

Why not try a younger guy for the summer?  This enticing novel, written by an editor of SHE magazine, tells the story of a woman who finds herself single and falling in love with a younger man.  If you’ve hooked up with more than one freshman, this one is for you.

Find it on Amazon here.

7. Crazy in Love by Chris Manby

Ever done anything crazy to get a guy?  In this novel, protagonist Birdie gets herself kidnapped to get the attention of a sexy actor.  While I don’t think faking a kidnapping should be on your bucket list for the summer, it’s certainly fun to read about.  Also, the novel is set in LA, with plenty of glitz and glamour—a completely frivolous read!

Find it on Amazon here.

8. Too Good to Be True by Kristan Higgins

Ever had a sorority sister date one of your exes?  Well, in Higgins’s novel, protagonist Grace’s ACTUAL SISTER starts dating her ex-fiancé.  Drama!  To get back at them, Grace falls for sexy Irishman Callahan O’Shea . . . sparks certainly fly.  Hell hath no LUST like a woman scorned!  This book is perfect for those getting over a breakup this summer. 

Find it on Amazon here.

9. Mr. Almost Right by Eleanor Moran

The classic tale of the unavailable man.  If you’ve ever fallen for a fratstar with a GF, this one’s for you.  Lulu (seriously where do they get these names) thinks she’s in love with a guy who’s attached, but as the novel progresses, a sexy stranger comes into her life, threatening to change her mind.  Should she go for the unavailable guy or the mysterious new hunk?  Either way, the pages keep turning.

Find it on Amazon here.

10. Summer and the City by Candace Bushnell

Okay, so this is not a romance novel per se, but IT’S CARRIE BRADSHAW.  If you haven’t read The Carrie Diaries, do that first.  This is the sequel, where Carrie has her first “summer in the city.”  The novel shows how she meets Samantha and Miranda and promises the tale of a “glamorous man” sweeping her off her feet.  Sold!

Find it on Amazon here.

What are you reading this summer, collegiettes™?  Any guilty pleasure novels we should know about?  Tell us in the comments!

Allie Jones is an English and American Studies double major at the College of William and Mary.  She's interned at W magazine and is currently the Senior News Editor at The Virginia Informer.  When she’s not chatting up colonial impersonators in Williamsburg, Allie drinks too much black coffee and thinks about going to the gym. She enjoys singing for her friends and planning parties for her chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Allie looks up to Liz Lemon, Carrie Bradshaw and Jon Stewart; 2 ½ of which, she realizes, are fictional characters. You can find out more about the high-brow television programs she watches over at her Twitter, @allierileyjones.