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“New York is My Runaway” Fashion Show!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Didn’t have a chance to catch Fashion for Philanthropy’s sixth annual fashion show this month? Don’t worry, HC Fordham has got you covered! The night itself started off with a quiet buzz that quickly grew as students, parents, and everyone in between began to pour into the Rose Hill gymnasium. This year, Fashion for Philanthropy focused their show’s theme on a school chant that all Fordham students would recognize: “Fordham is my School, New York is My Campus”. But what did this quote really mean for the students who put together the show? The fashion we see on the streets of NYC & the Fordham campuses daily! With the themes of day and night separated with a performance during intermission by Fordham’s own Def Jam for Cutie dance crew, the show was a complete hit! Not only did the students involved with the club throw an amazing show and party, but they brought a better awareness to the Fordham community of the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and what the collective efforts of students, sponsors, and anyone who donated their time and money can do for others.
Want to see what happened? Take a look at the photos below!

Sarah is a member of the Class of 2013 at Fordham University, where she's a double-major in American Studies and Communication & Media Studies. A South Florida native, she is still adjusting to the cold and figuring out the basics of a winter wardrobe. A huge sports fan, Sarah watches way too much Sportscenter and compensates by watching copious amounts of E!, Gilmore Girls, and Pretty Little Liars. When she's not watching movies or staring at a television screen, she also enjoys blogging, photography, fashion, reading, and bring Pinterest pins to life. Follow her on Twitter @sari_ramirez.