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Defying the Need to Nap

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Sitting through lectures, studying and writing essays for hours throughout the day merits a mid-day nap. But on the days when a big test (midterms, finals, etc.) looms over head, or an important essay is due and you find yourself struggling to find information, how can you put past the prompting to catch some z’s and push through the day in order to finish assignments? Below are some sure-fire ways to make sure an entire day is well-spent on the work aspect, and not spent having a conversation with your pillow.


  1. Watch what you eat for lunch This might be a little difficult especially since there might be ample variety in the cafeteria at any given time throughout the day, it’s best to have a good breakfast and avoid fast food for lunch. Try not to have a big lunch or the afternoon siesta will be ever more tantalizing. Eat low-carb and high-protein food and avoid sugar and flour products like muffins, potatoes, white rice, pasta and candy.
  2. Exercise Getting outside in the fresh air will wake you up! If you are in the library don’t be shy to get up and stretch or do some jumping jacks. Your neighbors might look at you funny, but if they had to do the work you are doing, they would probably think differently.
  3. HELLOOOO Hydration Station! Take a walk and be sure to constantly fill your water bottle throughout the day at the various Hydration Stations on campus. While this might send you to the bathroom more than normal (it will be a nice walk right?), there is nothing better than to stay hydrated without drinking too much caffeine. After a while, having so much caffeine inevitably causes some people to crash. One cup of joe and endless water seems a good alternative!
  4. Spice Up Your Wardrobe! According to eHow.com, many individuals believe that what you wear relates to your wardrobe. Bright colors such as orange or yellow are said to give you “color therapy” and positively effect your energy levels. (Maybe some Quinnipiac Gold??)
  5. One, Two,….BREATHE! Deep breathing not only gives you a sense of serenity, but it also provides your body with oxygen needed in order to fight fatigue. Try taking a breathe through your nose and inhale to a count of three. Then, exhale to a count of four. This will slow down your heart rate, so this might be a tip to keep in your back pocket…just in case there is a run-in with a certain someone! ;)

Even though some might be in denial, finals and the end of the semester are closing in quick. It is time to be as productive as can be with the short couple weeks we have left and leave with a BANG and not with a ZZZZZZZZZ……..

Johana Gutierrez is a Public Relations student at Quinnipiac University with a minor in International Business. She comes from a city life area in the Southern part of Connecticut.At Quinnipiac, she is the Alumni Relations Director for the International Business Society and member of PRSSA. This past summer, Johana interned at Live Nation Entertainment in NYC. In her free time, Johana enjoys going to concerts, listening to music and being in the company of her friends. She hopes to to continue her experience in the entertainment industry and ideally end up working at a record label.