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Tim Cooney 2014

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Disclaimer: Tim Cooney is taken. I just wanted to say that before you all become completely enamored with his goofy charm and devilish blue eyes. It’s not against the rules to ogle from afar, right?

Hometown? St. Louis, MO

Studying? Business – but my major is undecided.

Relationship status? Taken – sorry ladies!

Activities on Campus: WashU’s Varsity Basketball team, the afterschool program Books and Basketball

Hobbies and interests? Basketball, community service, listening to music, goofing around

Quotes you live by? “Live simply”

Favorite place on campus? Outside the DUC when it’s nice out

Craziest thing you’ve done so far in your college career? My YouTube sensation video. (Check it out here, Tim is wearing the red sweatband)

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Finishing up my undergraduate degree (just kidding!) Probably in St. Louis working maybe have a wife.

What do you miss most from home? My dog – Gipper is black cocker spaniel. I miss sleeping with him every night and I miss the way he greets me when I walk in the front door.

What do you find most attractive in a girl? Hair – the color doesn’t matter. Nice hair. And freckles on your nose.

Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving

Pet Peeve? This might not even make sense but when people leave milk out of the fridge on the counter for a long period of time. It just frustrates me.

Guilty Pleasure? Watching the Notebook and I also really enjoy sneezing. It feels so good when you sneeze

Best gift you’ve ever received? The gift of life from my parents (laughs).

If you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?  I would pay my parents back for college first then I would keep the rest to buy a huge boat and sail around the world.

Do you have any nicknames? The Coon, Bonesaw…

Favorite movie? Finding Forrester … Oh wait – nope, Aladdin.

What do you want to be remembered for at WashU? A funny, nice guy. And hopefully for winning a national championship in basketball. That’s the goal! 

Rosa Heyman is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis studying Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Writing. She has worked as an editorial intern at Black Book Magazine in NYC and St. Louis Magazine, and for the web editor at Redbook Magazine in NYC. A Rhode Island native, Rosa likes reading, writing, Kate Moss, The New York Times' Modern Love columns, Paolo Pellegrin photography, and roller coasters.