Name: Louie Tamayo
Year: Junior
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Sociology, Education Minor
Campus Involvement: Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp), Associated Students, Rally Committee, Gaucho Tour Association. I’m also running in the spring election to be your next Student Advocate General!
Activities: Student Government, hanging out, listening to music, grabbing a pitcher at Sam’s to Go, partying, partying, yeah?
Favorite thing about spring quarter: Who can complain about this weather? Plus UCSB throws Extravaganza, an annual concert, free for students with past headliners including Drake, Chromeo, Ludacris, Girl Talk, to name a few.
Describe the perfect date: I’m from Long Beach so mostly likely going down to 2nd Street and having a great lunch and then go kayaking, soaking in the environment. Or you can’t go wrong with the dinner and a movie.
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? I’d probably be a panda. Who doesn’t like pandas?
What is one thing about yourself that not many people know? I’m a big nerd. I’m a huge fan of music and movies.
What is your dream vacation? It would definitely have to be somewhere like Brazil, Costa Rica, or Thailand. I want to travel and explore jungle and jump off a waterfall, zipline, and eat great food.
Favorite pick-up line? If you were a Dementor, I’d become a criminal just to get your kiss. ;)